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Volume 07
Advances in Crop Science and Technology
ISSN: 2329-8863
Agri 2019
August 15-16, 2019
August 15-16, 2019 | Rome, Italy
International Conference on
Agriculture & Horticulture
Recent Publications
1. Somasegaran P, & Halliday J (1982) Dilution of Liquid Rhizobium cultures to increase production capacity of
inoculant plants. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44 (2) 330-333.
2. Corral Lugo A, Morales García YE, Pazos-Rojas LA, Ramírez Valverde A, Martínez Contreras D, Muñoz Rojas J
(2012) Quantification of cultivable bacteria by the “massive stamping drop plate” method. Rev. Colom. Biotecnol.
3. Castillo M, Flores M, Mavingui P, Martínez-Romero E, Palacios R, Hernández G (1999) Increase in alfalfa
nodulation, nitrogen fixation, and plant growth by specific DNA amplification in
Sinorhizobium meliloti
. Appl.
Environ. Microbiol. 65(6):2716-2722.
4. Zeng ZH, Chen WX, HU YG. SUI XH, CHEN DM (2007) Screening of highly effective Sinorhizobium meliloti
strains for “Vector” alfalfa and testing of its competitive nodulation ability in the field 17(2):219-228.
5. Lang-Unnasch N & Ausubel FM (1985) Nodule-Specific polypeptides from effective alfalfa root nodules and
from ineffective nodules lacking nitrogenase. 77:833-839.
Virginia Estévez Geffriaud, BSc. In Microbiology (2014, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB); MSc. In Environmental Agrobiology (2015, University
of Barcelona); Master Thesis in FUTURECO BIOSCIENCE (2015). Industrial PhD student at University of Barcelona (2016-); Project assistant and Trial
Coordination at Seed Technology Dpt. (R&D) at FITO SEEDS (SEMILLAS FITÓ) (2016-); Last oral presentation: MICROPe (Microbe-assisted crop production-
opportunities and challenges, Vienna 2018).