Volume 4, Issue 3 (Suppl)
Adv Crop Sci Tech
ISSN: 2329-8863 ACST, an open access journal
Page 95
Plant Genomics 2016
July 14-15, 2016
July 14-15, 2016 Brisbane, Australia
International Conference on
Plant Genomics
Truyen Quach, Adv Crop Sci Tech 2016, 4:3 (Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2329-8863.C1.003Over-expressing sodium transporters in soybean for salt tolerance improvement
Truyen Quach
Field Crops Research Institute, Vietnam
ecent climate change leads to higher temperature and rise in sea level, which results in expanding salinity affected areas and
imposes a significant threat to agricultural production in Vietnam and worldwide. A number of genes regulating salinity tolerance
have been identified to regulate salt tolerance through export of Na
out of cytoplasm into vacuole and to apoplasm. In this study, we
developed transgenic soybean over-expressing individual salinity tolerant genes NHX1, AVP1 and SOS1. These genes were assembled
under control of 35S promoter to constitutively drive gene expression throughout life cycle of the soybean plants. The transgenic
plants over-expressing individual genes having normal growth with good gene expression will be evaluated for their performance
under salinity stress. If results are positive, this investigation will be significant for understanding roles sodium transporters in salt
tolerance of soybean.
Truyen Quach has completed his PhD from University of Missouri. Currently, he is the Head of the Department of Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Product
Quality at Field Crops Research Institute, Vietnam. His lab is focusing on plant genetic engineering to improve plant adaptation to stresses and application of QTL
on crop improvement.