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Volume 4, Issue 2

J Fisheries Livest Prod

ISSN: 2332-2608 JFLP, an open access journal

Livestock Nutrition 2016

July 21-22, 2016

Page 41




July 21-22, 2016 Brisbane, Australia



International Conference on

Livestock Nutrition

Replacement value of raw soybean meal for commercial soybean meal in diets for broiler chickens


oybean meal (SBM) is the premier vegetable protein source for poultry. It is typically heat-treated prior to feeding to

improve its quality. In a series of studies, we investigated the potential of replacing commercial SBM (at up to 30 %) with raw

meal (RSBM, about 13498 TIU/g) in diets that were further supplemented with a novel protease and phytase. Both enzymes

improved the digestion,

in vitro

, of RSBM. The RSBM over a short feeding period (14 days) reduced feed intake (FI) and

body weight gain (BWG) and this response was worse on steam-pelleted diets. In a longer feeding trial, increasing the level

of RSBM reduced BWG in early life but not over 1-35 days. Extra-dosing with microbial protease improved the FI and BWG

of birds during the early period (1-10 days period) but only marginally over 1-35 days. In another experiment, increasing the

inclusion rate of RSBM in the diets significantly increased (p<0.001) the loss of undigested and unabsorbed ileal CP, leading to

a reduction in both apparent ileal digestibility and standardized ileal digestibility of CP and most amino acids. There were no

major effects of RSBM on intestinal lesions, footpad dermatitis, tibia bone quality or mortality of the birds when the material

replaced 25% of SBM. Protease supplementation improved these variables. Litter N contents increased with increase in dietary

RSBM level but were slightly reduced with protease supplementation. Other mechanisms assessed in the studies, including

visceral organ weight; intestinal mucosal morphometry and digestive enzyme activities, responded in various ways to RSBM

and the test protease. Overall, it can be concluded that RSBM can replace commercial SBM at up to 25%, if supplemented with

the test protease and/or phytase, without compromising productivity or health of broiler chickens.


Paul A Iji is a Professor of Animal Science at the University of New England (UNE), Australia. He has studied in Nigeria, Scotland and Australia and has previously

worked in similar positions in Nigeria and South Africa before taking up his current position at the University of New England, Australia. His main area of research

is poultry nutrition with specialization in gastrointestinal physiology. He has supervised and currently supervising several postgraduate students and has published

over 200 in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.

Paul A Iji


, Mammo M Erdaw


and Rider A Perez-Maldonado



University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia.


DSM Ltd, Singapore.

Paul A Iji et al., J Fisheries Livest Prod 2016, 4:2 (Suppl)