Volume 4, Issue 2
J Fisheries Livest Prod
ISSN: 2332-2608 JFLP, an open access journal
Page 28
Livestock Nutrition 2016
July 21-22, 2016
July 21-22, 2016 Brisbane, Australia
International Conference on
Livestock Nutrition
Nutritional evaluation of whole root and tuber crops as livestock feed
Bukola Babatunde
Fiji National University, Fiji
he aim of the study is to investigate nutritional value of root and tuber crops as livestock feed resources. Fresh unpeeled Irish
potatoes (P), sweet potatoes (SP), cassava (CA), yam (YA) and dalo (DL) purchased from the market were washed and cut into
smaller pieces. The cut pieces were sub-divided into three equal parts. One part was analyzed as fresh samples, while remaining parts
was sundried (SU) and oven dried. The oven dried and sundried samples were milled into meal using an electric grinder. Fresh, oven
dried and sundried samples were analyzed for moisture, ash, crude protein, fat, crude fibre and soluble carbohydrate fractions. The
experiment was designed as 5×3 factorial experiment and data expressed on as fed basis. Fresh root and tuber crops has comparative
low DM contents (DL>YM>CS>SP>P) compared to those processed by sun drying and oven drying. Generally, the results showed
that the two processing methods enhance (P<0.05) nutritive value of root and tuber crops compared to fresh samples. Sun drying is
more effective (P<0.05) in raising NFE contents of root and tuber crops than oven drying. There were significant differences (P>0.05)
in DM between different root and tuber crops processed by two methods, although both processing methods have no effect on potato
DM content. However, oven drying improved (P<0.05) DM of SP, YM and DL, while sun drying improved (P<0.05) DM content of
cassava only. The protein contents of root and tuber crops were enhanced (P<0.05) when processed but there were no significantly
differences (P>0.05) between protein contents of sundried and oven dried root and tuber crops. Sun drying improves (P<0.05) crude
fibre of root and tuber crop samples than oven drying.
Bukola Babatunde has completed her PhD degree in Poultry Nutrition in 1999 from University of Ibadan, Nigeria and another PhD in Animal Nutrition and Immunity
in 2009 from La Trobe University, Australia. She has worked at Institute of Agricultural Research & Training, Obafemi Awolowo University, Moor Plantation as
Research Fellow in pig improvement programs and as Senior Lecturer in Animal Science at Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology, Institute
of Agricultural Research & Training. She is currently an Associate Professor and Head of Department of Animal Husbandry at Fiji National University. She has
published more than 40 papers in reputed journals and is a Member of Editorial Board and Review Board of reputable international journal.
bukola9465@hotmail.comBukola Babatunde, J Fisheries Livest Prod 2016, 4:2 (Suppl)