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Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials | ISSN: 2155-952X | Volume: 8
World Biotechnology Congress
December 03-04, 2018 Sao Paulo, Brazil
New trends in the treatment of grade II furcation defects using second generation platelet concentrates
Juan Pablo Pava Lozano
National University, Colombia
he furcation defect is defined as the pathological reabsorption of interradicular bone that occurs in multi-rooted teeth
in advanced stages of periodontal disease. Some surgical strategies to cover furcation defects and exposed roots include
free gingival grafts, pedicle flaps, subepithelial connective tissue grafts and application of different biomaterial-based grafts.
The Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) has different characteristics like a high concentration of platelet and leukocytes, as well as
fibrin/fibronectin and a low concentration of thrombin that makes flexible its structure, facilitating the uptake of cytokines
and migration of other cells involved in the regenerative process. Two furcation defects on 47 and 46 teeth grade I/II (n=2)
respectively were evaluated from a healthy male patient 46 years-old who was receiving dental treatment on dentistry Faculty
of Antonio Nariño university. He was treated with coronally displaced flap (CDF) and PRF. Amucoperiosteal partial superficial
thickness flap was lifted up fromaffected teeth and PRF was obtained froma patient blood sample (10mL) in a glass tube without
anticoagulant, which was immediately processed. The flap was repositioned to coronal level beyond the cementoenamel line
with 2 PRF membranes placed on the root surfaces and sutured. Morphometric and clinical measurement was performed
6 months after the procedure to analyze the interradicular molar zones. RESULTS The CDF with PRF performed showed
presence of hard and soft tissues evaluated clinically and tomographically with a significant coverage of p <0.05 in the fornix
zones of the molars. On the interradicular area morphometric values shows that tooth 46 there was a decrease (0.0005) of
-1.127 (2.104 ± 0.06 vs 0.977 ± 0.07) of defect and tooth 47 (0.0047) of -0.850 (1.891 ± 0.04) vs 1.041 ± 0.05) CONCLUSION
Use of CDF together with PRF can be considered as a treatment option because it achieves a ostensibly osteoconductive,
biocompatible function and reduces patient recovery time improving the prognosis of established defects.
Dr. Juan Pablo Pava Lozano is currently working as Periodontist at the University Antonio Nariño, member of Bucal Innovation group endorsed by COLCIENCIAS.
Dr Pava completed his specialization studies in Periodontics at the National University of Colombia. He then worked as Invited professor at the University of Valle.
Author “Clinical description of the tissue response to intraoral tattoos (new forms of body art): Pilot study”. Dr Pava has presented as academic speaker in some
international conferences as XXII International congress of dental iberolatinamerican federation (Puerto Vallarta Mexico may 24-27/2017), IX Metropolitan dental
congress (Caracas Venezuela may 28-31 2015) and his investigation lines reflect his research interests in tissue engineer. Pablo Pava Lozano, J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume: 8
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C7-106