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Volume10, Issue 12 (Suppl)

J Proteomics Bioinform, an open access journal

ISSN: 0974-276X

Page 91



World Biomarkers & Pharma Biotech 2017

December 07-09, 2017

December 07-09, 2017 | Madrid, Spain




International Conference on






Accelerator mass spectrometry-enabled microtracer study to evaluate the human mass balance of

KD101: Method challenges for analysis of a volatile oil

Howard Lee

Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Hospital, Seoul, Korea


he large majority of drugs and not volatile and amenable to standard analytical techniques. Volatile compounds pose

a different set of challenges, requiring changes to the total sample preparation procedure and often analytical method.

We encountered such situation during a human microtracer study (180 nCi human oral dose) of compound KD101, a single

isomeric oil, (-)α-Cedrene (206.23 g/mol). A total of 6 subjects were administered 400 mg of unlabeled KD101 admixed

with 180 nCi of radiolabeled drug as a tracer. Detection of the radiolabel was performed using graphite based Accelerator

Mass Spectrometry (AMS), with support from Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) for early urinary time-points. Post-

administration, cumulative urine and fecal voids were collected for 288 hr post-dose. Serial blood collections were taken

frequently post-administration and then daily for the duration of the study. Preliminary work showed the KD101 could be

completely removed under vacuum concentration in the absence of any trapping agent or biological matrix. This problem was

exacerbated by the AMS processing method where samples are also evacuated under vacuum for torch-sealing inside quartz

combustion (oxidation to gaseous carbon dioxide, prior to reduction to graphite). We found an acceptable technique to limit

volatility losses through the pretreatment of all samples with an excess of tributyrin prior to concentration. The tributyrin

served thus as both a carbon source and a chemical trapping agent. Sucrose was also tested but showed little ability to “capture”

the compound during dry-down. We showed that parent compound recovery could be improved from <10 to 89% recovery

using 2.0 mg of tributyrin per sample or LC fraction, and a minimum dry-down time (20 min). The overall results of the

study validated the dilution method. Mean mass balance recovery was 85.21% (77.96% in urine, 7.26% feces). This is

considered a good mass balance recovery given the fact that it was difficult to control for losses due to compound volatility.

The concentration decay in the plasma was largely bi-exponential after the absorption period, with a wandering baseline out

to 288 hr post-dose, with occasional “jumps” in concentration, which was attributed to the displacement of compound in fat

depots. Metabolite radiochromatograms from urine and plasma showed intact parent in plasma with metabolites exclusively

explaining the urinary components. In summary, we achieved satisfactory results for the mass balance and metabolism of a

volatile oil using a chemical trapping agent. The detriment was a lowering of overall detection sensitivity (e.g. 0.88 dpm/mL

of plasma vs. 0.05 dpm/mL of unmodified plasma), but sensitivity was still sufficient to achieve mass balance and perform

metabolite profiling using highly sensitive AMS detection.

Recent Publications

1. Kim YK, Kim A, Park SJ, Lee H. New tablet formulation of tacrolimus with smaller interindividual variability may

become a better treatment option than the conventional capsule formulation in organ transplant patients. Drug

Design Dev Ther. 2017 (11): 2861-2869

2. Kim Y, Kim A, Lee S, Choi SH, Lee DY, Song JS, Lee H, Jang IJ, Yu KS. Pharmacokinetics, Safety and Tolerability of

Tedizolid Phosphate After Single-Dose Administration in Healthy Korean Male Subjects. Clin Ther. 2017. Sep;39(9):



Howard Lee is the Founder and Director of the Center for Convergence Approaches in Drug Development (CCADD). Dr. Lee serves as a Professor at the

Department of Transdisciplinary Studies, Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, Seoul National University. Dr. Lee is also appointed at Seoul

National University College of Medicine and Hospital, affiliated with the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Dr. Lee previously served

as Head of Global Strategy and Planning, Clinical Trials Center, SNUH. As of August 2017, Dr. Lee was appointed Chair of the Graduate Program in Clinical

Pharmacology, Seoul National University. Dr. Lee has spearhead the introduction of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)-enabled exploratory early clinical drug

development studies to the Korean biopharmaceutical R&D sector, which has awarded Dr. Lee 2 government grants.

Howard Lee, J Proteomics Bioinform 2017, 10:12(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/0974-276X-C1-110