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Volume 8

Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy

Page 30

June 20-21, 2019 Dubai, UAE

Joint Meeting on




World Congress on Traditional & Complemenatry Medicine



International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine

Traditional Med Meet 2019 &

Herbal Traditional 2019

June 20-21, 2019

Eugenia Isabel Arizmendi Ruiz, J Tradit Med Clin Natur 2019, Volume 8

Ayurveda and veganism: Cases of healing among my patients

Eugenia Isabel Arizmendi Ruiz

Kerala Ayurvedic Health Care, India


fter developing a personal protocol that combines, in addition to herbal and ayurveda remedies, a vegan

diet based on the predominant Dosha and blood type, may I present some of my most significant cases of

healing among my patients: A girl with serious problems of endometriosis and ovarian cysts. She looked for

me as a last resource before agreeing to undergo surgery. After four months of following my instructions, her

cysts had disappeared (with ultrasound that confirmed it). At least 8 more patients with severe ovarian cysts

have recovered after treatment. Other serious cases that have reported significant improvements are that of a

patient with vata diabetes, who came to my office the first time leaning on the walls because of the weakness.

She expressed not wanting to continue with the insulin treatment that was being applied because she felt

dying after each application. The patient at that time weighed 35 kg and had a glucose level of almost 400.

A patient with morbid obesity weighing 140 kg and suffering from dropsy, not responding to conventional

medicines. Two patients with autism due to vaccinal parasitosis caused by vaccination in combo at birth. Two

couples from a group of 4 who underwent the ayurvedic protocol at the same time to have babies, are now

happy parents. A leukemia patient caused by chemotherapy applied to fight lymphoma. After 11 years taking

maintenance chemotherapy until her heart was affected and anemia was generated.


Eugenia Isabel Arizmendi Ruiz has completed a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 1992 and then a Postrgraduate degree

in HR Management. After practicing as a manager in several fields and having practiced university teaching for 35 years, her life turned

upside down when she became vegan, beginning a career of studies related to ecology and sustainability in various urban workshops, until

culminating going to India to study ayurveda. Recently she has completed a certification in Naturopathy in Madrid, Spain.