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Volume 3, Issue 1 (Suppl)

Toxicol Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2067 TYOA, an open access journal

Toxicology Congress 2017

April 13-15, 2017

April 13-15, 2017 Dubai, UAE



World Congress on

Toxicology and Pharmacology

Aberrations in Chironomidae (Diptera) genomes induced by various environmental stress factors

Pragya Khanna

Government College Women-J&K, India


hironomids represent one of the most important groups of aquatic invertebrates. The larvae and pupae of most species

of chironomids occur in freshwater, though they are also prevalent in marine, brackish water and terrestrial habitats.

In many aquatic habitats this group constitutes more than half of the total number of macro-invertebrate species present.

As it is the invertebrates are known to be an appropriate tool for assessment of the state of aquatic ecosystems. The larvae

display exceptionally wide range of sensitivity to environmental parameters such as DO, pH, salinity, substrate, and pollution

by organic wastes, heavy metals and contaminants, and also play an important role in indicating radioactive pollution. The

chironomid larvae form an integral link in aquatic food chain and constitute a biological connection between aquatic and

terrestrial habitat and ostensibly human is intimately linked to these systems. In particular

Chironomus plumosus

, the most

favored chironomid is generally chosen for the following reasons: It possesses a low diploid chromosome set (2n=8), the

salivary polytene chromosomes have a distinct and well described band structure which permits detailed analysis of structural

and functional aberrations and chromosomes I, II and III contain well-expressed nucleolar organizers (NORs) and well-

developed Balbiani rings (BR1 and BR2) are present in chromosome G. NOR and BRs are known to be very sensitive to stress

and could be used as good model to examine the genotoxicity of pollutants. The polytene chromosomes present in the salivary

glands of chironomids have been extremely important in cytogenetics for two main reasons. On one hand, studies of their

detailed structure and especially of the DNA replication and the puffing phenomenon have led to new insights on fundamental

problems such as the nature and mode of action of genes. On the other hand, comparisons of banding sequences of different

individuals, populations and species have been of great significance in the analysis of evolutionary cytogenetic processes. The

chromosomal changes such as inversions, deletions, translocations etc. can be well studied in polytene chromosomes because

of their large size, since any structural rearrangement is expressed in corresponding alteration in somatic synapsis. The band

pattern is species specific, therefore, any chromosomal change that brings about a change from standard arrangement of bands,

leads to speciation. The present study could be used as cost-effective and sensitive test for detecting a range of genotoxic agents

and studying their impact on the genome under natural environmental conditions.


Pragya Khanna has 17 years of research experience on cytology of chironomids and environmental assessment of major and minor water bodies of Jammu

region with special reference to heavy metals, pesticides and industrial effluents. She has worked on a number of projects funded by DST and UGC on the above

mentioned aspects. She has over 40 research papers, more than 1500 popular articles published in local newspapers, magazines and websites, 4 books and 5

monographs to her credit. She has been awarded 16 times by different scientific, academic and allied agencies/societies for her research/scholastic work at state

and national levels.

Pragya Khanna, Toxicol Open Access 2017, 3:1 (Suppl)