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Regenerative & Precision Medicine 2016

December 1-2, 2016

Volume 7, Issue 3(Suppl)

J Tissue Sci Eng

ISSN: 2157-7552 JTSE, an open access journal



December 1-2, 2016 | San Antonio, USA

Global Congress on

Tissue Engineering, Regenerative &

Precision Medicine

Andrew Green, J Tissue Sci Eng 2016, 7:3(Suppl)

Developing a regulatory framework for precision medicine products: A Singaporean point of view

Andrew Green

National University Hospital, Singapore


recision medicine is a robust field in health care that is distinguished by its reliance on genomic technology to deliver

customizable preventive and curative treatments to a group of individuals. Likemany other countries, Singapore is exploring

ways to effectively facilitate the entry of precision medical products into its market. At present, these products are still subject

to the same licensing procedures and standards as their "non-precision" counterparts. However, there are compelling reasons

to believe that current legislations may not be ideal to effectively regulate this group of products. Firstly, as precision medical

products are rarely used in solitaire, licensure of one product may inadvertently rely on the licensure of others it is bundled with.

Secondly, this licensure interdependence may delay bringing innovative products into the market. Finally, in the backdrop of a

lengthened premarket phase, industry may opt to "personalize" products at the clinical setting instead to escape from licensure

requirements. This presentation serves as a systematic appraisal of Singapore's regulatory preparedness in ushering the era of

precision medicine, specifically in terms of its ability to: keep up with technological advancements, adequately cover a diverse

range of products, nurture innovation, and safeguard public health.


AndrewGreen obtained his Medical Degree fromDuke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore in 2012. He has also held a Masters of Science from the Max Planck

Institute Tuebingen, Germany and a Masters of Public Health from the National University of Singapore. He is currently a senior resident in Preventive Medicine

and concurrently holds the position of assistant director-equivalent at the Health Sciences Authority Singapore. His current portfolio includes the development of

a national regulatory framework for advanced therapeutic products and precision medicine. Furthermore, he is also actively involved in Pharmacovigilance, health

product compliance, and regulatory impact analysis.