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Volume 4

Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing

Public Health Nursing 2018

September 19-20, 2018

September 19-20, 2018 Singapore



International Conference on

Public Health and Nursing

So Ching Lee, J Comm Pub Health Nurs 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846-C1-003

Enhancement of community nurses in providing safe and effective wound care in community

So Ching Lee

Kow loon Hospital, Hong Kong


: Hong Kong is a over-crowded and aging population city. Complex health needs has made Community Nurses

(CNs) a tremendous workload. In Kowloon Hospital’s Community Nursing Service (CNS), over 70% of cases are wound care.

CNs pay lots of effort and home visits to support wound care, especially stage 3-4 wound. Another problem is wound care

dressing materials and different wound care experiences confuse Community Nurses (CNs) in making a competent clinical

judgment. Hence, effective wound care and debridement can accelerate wound healing and reduce bed days in turn (Wounds

UK, 2013). Wound debridement enhancement program was thus carried out in January 2018 in Kowloon Hospital CNS.


Enhance wound care knowledge and technique

Evaluate the standard of Conservative Sharp Wound Debridement (CSWD) among community nurses

Reduce home visits by speedy wound healing


The program was implemented in two phases – Training & Audit

Phase 1

A booklet of wound dressing products quick reference and wound care tips was produced

Carry out a training lecture on CSWD to CNs in order to enhance their knowledge and align the practice

Workshop was conducted for CSWD. Skill-transfer and assessment of CSWD was directly conducted to colleagues

Phase 2

Audit on CSWD and wound care were carried among those CNs who achieved the CSWD requirements

Audit report and recommendation were introduced in the CNS in order to increase the alertness and alignment of

wound care


: Before the program, CNs used to follow the wound care advices from different specialties e.g. orthopaedic, surgical or

medical unit background. CNs is not confident enough in making clinical judgment on wound care, especially CSWD. After

the program, majority of CSWD procedure (98.17%) compliance rate met the standard criteria of the procedure. 96.3% CNs

expressed confidence to perform CSWD in the community, 100% of CNs agreed that they got more knowledge to care different

type of wounds in the community. When compares the pre and post program for 3 months, wound healed cases increased from

728 cases/3 months to 748 cases/ 3 months. 260 home visits were saved after the program in 3months.


CNS care for numerous frailty and advanced age of community clients. Safe and effective wound care is very

important. It is not only improved quality of care in speedy recovery. Promotion of wound healing allows CNS spare more home

visits to care and support these clients. After this program, number of home visits has been significantly. Clients’ wellbeing and

cost effectiveness could also be improved


So Ching Lee is working at Kow Loon Hospital, Hong Kong