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Volume 4
Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing
Public Health Nursing 2018
September 19-20, 2018
September 19-20, 2018 Singapore
International Conference on
Public Health and Nursing
Mi-Ae You, J Comm Pub Health Nurs 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846-C1-003
Parents’ administration of medication to their children and the related educational needs of the parents
Mi-Ae You
Ajou University, South Korea
Statement of the Problem
: With regard to administering medication, parents sometimes mix up medicines or administer
medication improperly due to complicated methods, and experience difficulties in administering the correct dosages. It is
important to first determine how much parents know about administering medication. As mothers are primary caregivers, this
study set out to assess how much mothers know about administering medication, and their related educational needs. Further,
this study aimed to identify the factors that affect the administration of medication to children at home.
: Five mothers who had administeredmedication to their preschool children at least once were randomly sampled
as the study’s research subjects. The research data were collected through one-on-one in-depth interviews. Data analysis was
conducted by analyzing the interview responses to some of the main questions, based on the notes taken in the interview.
Result & Conclusion
: The caregiver who usually (most often) gave medication to the children was their mother, and every
mother who participated in this research responded that she had administered fever reducers and antibiotics to her children.
Some of them stated that they had been told how to administer medication by doctors or pharmacists, but had not been given
information about side effects or precautions. They also responded that they sometimes stopped administering the prescribed
medication to their child when his or her symptoms disappeared, and stored the remaining medication for possible future
needs of the child’s siblings. They added that proper education on administering medication was needed for them to safely
administer medicine to their children. The findings showed that the mothers who participated as research subjects in this study
had different experiences of administering medication, and relevant education based on correct knowledge was needed for
them to administer medication safely at home.
Mi-Ae You is a Professor from College of Nursing, Ajou University and teaching student about pediatric nursing. She has published research papers in international
journals and has been serving as a reviewer. One of her interest areas of research is safe administration of medication. She is currently conducting the project
granted from government entitled development and evaluation of mobile web based program about safe medication administration for Kids’ parent.