Page 36
Volume 4
Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing
Public Health Nursing 2018
September 19-20, 2018
September 19-20, 2018 Singapore
International Conference on
Public Health and Nursing
The lived experience of the patient with severe burn in rehabilitation stage
Ting-Yuan Shiue
Tzu Chi University
, Taiwan
The study attempted to explore the needs and quality of life for the patients with severe burn in rehabilitation stage.
Utilizing a phenomenological approach, a semi-structured interview was conducted with a purposive sampling
of twenty patients within a foundation of burn in the northern of Taiwan, from December 7, 2015 to December 31, 2015.
Questions focused upon the needs and quality of life for the patients in rehabilitation stage. Data were analysed by using
content analysis to identify themes and categories.
Results / Discussion:
The results showed that the needs of the patients with severe burn included the needs of wound care,
economic, information resources, and social interactions. Quality of life of the patients with severe burn included changes in
daily activities. On the other hand, the results of this study showed that severe burn not only changed the young adult patients’
body image, but also impacted their identity development, as well as affected initiating intimate and emotional relationships
and/or making independent decisions about future goals such as career, higher education, and/or family. Therefore, the patient
with severe burn needs physiological, psychological and social supports on the rehabilitation stage.
In order to gain comprehensive home care, the authors suggest that improvements in hospital discharge planning.
Besides, the support group is necessary to relive the patient’s psychological stress.
Ting-Yuan Shiue is a Lecture and a clinical preceptor in psychiatric and mental health nursing under the Department of Nursing at Technology of Tzu Chi University,
Taiwan. Ting-Yuan is currently pursuing Doctor of Philosophy at the Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, and National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Her
research interest is public mental health. Especially is mental health care with a special emphasis on the patients and their main caregivers' well-being.
tyshiue@gmail.comTing-Yuan Shiue, J Comm Pub Health Nurs 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846-C1-003