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Volume 4
Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing
Public Health Nursing 2018
September 19-20, 2018
September 19-20, 2018 Singapore
International Conference on
Public Health and Nursing
Ayako Okutsu et al., J Comm Pub Health Nurs 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846-C1-003
Working conditions of hospital nurses: A comparative study between Mongolian and Japanese nurses
Ayako Okutsu
, Tomomi Ota
, Yukiko Saikawa
, Akiko Hoshino
and Toshiki Katsura
Kansai University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Japan
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan
: This study examines the working conditions and problems of Mongolian hospitals by comparing the working
conditions of Mongolian nurses with Japanese ones.
: Settings and participants: Survey data were collected from randomly selected 200 nurses (100 were Mongolians and
the other 100 were Japanese) who agreed to participate in the survey. All of our participants were working in a hospital that
possesses up to 500 hospital beds. Data were collected through a self-administered survey questionnaire. Survey items were
nurses’ demographics and the criteria for work and job satisfaction. Collected data were analyzed by t-test and Wilcoxon Rank
Sum test. Ethical considerations: This study was approved by the ethical committee of Mongolian hospitals, Japanese Hospitals
and the Ministry of Health Mongolia.
: Average age of nurses in Mongolia was significantly younger than Japanese nurses’ one. Consequently, average year
of work experience of Mongolian nurses is shorter than Japanese one. However, Japanese nurses have family members who
need child care or nursing care at a higher rate than Mongolian nurses. Work and job satisfaction of Japanese nurses about
their work and job status was significantly higher than Mongolian nurses’ one. However, the opposite result was found in the
job satisfaction about their workload.
: Mongolian nurses are younger than their Japanese counterparts. Thus, Mongolian nurses presumably have more
stamina and energy than their Japanese counterparts. Stamina and energy are absolutely essential to withstanding the strains
of nursing. Young nurses often have a significant advantage in learning techniques as well. Mongolian nurses were less satisfied
with their “occupational status” than their Japanese counterparts. That said, Japanese nurses also had a low social status. Public
awareness of the substantial role nurses play in hospital administration will probably take some time to take root.
Ayako Okutsu is completed his/her Ph D from Kansai University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Japan