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Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)

J Nov Physiother

ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal

Physiotherapy 2017

November 27-29, 2017

November 27-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on


Reducing assistance force during robotic-assisted gait training improves motor function:Arandomized

controlled trial in patients with subacute stroke

Jiho Park


, In Jae Park


, Hyunyong Seong


, Yong Il Shin


and Joshua H You



Yonsei University, South Korea


Pusan National University-Yangsan Hospital, South Korea


In order to determine optimal control strategies for

robotic-assisted gait training (RAGT), it is essential to take into

account, the level of assistance force of the robot system affect

locomotor control. However, none of the studies investigated the

effects of different level of assistance force control during RAGT on

motor function in patients with subacute stroke.


To compare the effects of full assistance force (Full-AF) versus 60% assistance force (60%-AF) RAGT on motor

function in patients with subacute stroke.


23 patients (age >19 years; 4 weeks after the onset but 6 months) with subacute stroke at Functional Ambulation

Category (FAC) 0-3 were randomly assigned into two different RAGT groups. 11 were treated with Full-AF RAGT combined

with conventional physical therapy and 12 were treated with 60%-AF RAGT combined with conventional physical therapy. Two

groups performed 5 days a week for 4 weeks, with a total of 40 sessions. After 4-weeks of RAGT combined with conventional

physical therapy, all patients underwent only conventional physical therapy 5 days a week for 4 weeks, with a total of 20

sessions. Clinical outcomes included FAC, Berg Balance scale (BBS) and Korean version of the modified Barthel index (K-MBI)

measured at pre-RAGT, post-RAGT and 4-week follow-up.


In the intention-to-treat analysis, there were between two groups effects for clinical motor functions (Figure-1). In

addition, both groups showed significantly improved at post-training (P=0.01) and follow-up (P=0.01) in the FAC; post-

training (P=0.01) and follow-up (P=0.006) in BBS and post-training (P=0.022) and follow-up (P=0.017) in K-MBI.


Reducing robotic assistance force during RAGT may be more effective robotic control strategy than full robotic

assistance force RAGT in facilitating motor recovery and retention of trained locomotor functions in patients with subacute



Jiho Park received her BSc degree in the department of Physical Therapy from Yonsei University, Wonju, South Korea. She is currently a PhD student at the Yonsei

University. Her research interests include robotic-assisted gait training, human-robot interaction, gait-related brain dynamics, control strategies, neuromuscular

control and motor learning in patients with neurological impairments.


1.Marchal-Crespo L, Reinkensmeyer DJ (2009). Review of control strategies for robotic movement training after neurologic injury. Journal of neuroengineering and

rehabilitation 6:20.

2.Morone G, Paolucci S, Cherubini A, De Angelis D, Venturiero V, Coiro P, Iosa M (2017). Robot-assisted gait training for stroke patients: current state of the art

and perspectives of robotics. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 13:1303.

Jiho Park

, J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:6(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-021