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Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)

J Nov Physiother

ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal

Physiotherapy 2017

November 27-29, 2017

November 27-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on


The knowledge of ethical values in physical therapy practice amongst physical therapists

Dhara Patel, Charmi Brahmbhatt and Sanjana Chauhan

K M Patel Institute of Physiotherapy, India


t is a survey conducted to know the ethical knowledge in physical therapists. Knowledge of ethics is important amongst the

physical therapists as they are expected to have thorough knowledge, professionalism, good skills and polite behavior to

achieve a good rapport with the patient because this is a field where we deal with the patient hands-on. The American physical

therapy association (APTA) has delineated several documents regarding core values of a physical therapist. The core values of

code of ethics include: Altruism, integrity, accountability, compassion, excellence, professional duty and social responsibility.

The lack of awareness on ethics amongst the physical therapist is noted based on the following articles: ‘moral reasoning

among physical therapists: Results of the defining issues test’ concluded that the post conventional moral reasoning of the

physical therapist was much lower than other health care workers, ‘levels of professionalism among physical therapists in

India: A national cross-sectional survey’ concluded that the professionalism among Indian physical therapists was moderate

and altruism and compassion levels were also low and ‘Perception on physical therapy students and professionals about the

importance of professional ethic’ they overall concluded that professional code of ethic should be included in academic and

clinical practice. In this study the participants are selected on the basis of their clinical experience and hence it is administered

on post graduates’ students, clinical practitioners and academician in and around city of Anand and Vadodara Gujarat state

India. The research is to ascertain the knowledge of ethics amongst the participants with their voluntary involvement. The

questionnaire is based on the professionalism and physical therapy: Core value reflection self-assessment which is divide

into 7 parts inclusive of accountability, altruism, compassion, excellence, professional duty, integrity and social responsibility;

responses will be recorded ranging from 0 i.e. never to 4 i.e. always, each part containing core ethical values given by APTA.

Once the data collection is completed results will be derived after proper analysis using appropriate statistical tools.


Dhara Patel is a third-year undergraduate student of physiotherapy at K. M. Patel Institute of Physiotherapy. She was awarded First Prize in poster competition as a

part of World Bioethics Day, which was celebrated by Gujarat, Indian Unit of the UNESCO Chair in bioethics, Haifa. She is also very disquisitve for research works.

Charmi Brahmbhatt is a third-year undergraduate student of physiotherapy at K. M. Patel Institute of Physiotherapy. She was awarded First Prize in poster

competition as a part of World Bioethics Day, which was celebrated by Gujarat, Indian Unit of the UNESCO Chair in bioethics, Haifa. She is also very disquisitve

for research works.

Sanjana Chauhan is a third-year undergraduate student of physiotherapy at K. M. Patel Institute of Physiotherapy. She was awarded First Prize in poster competition

as a part of World Bioethics Day, which was celebrated by Gujarat, Indian Unit of the UNESCO Chair in bioethics, Haifa. She is also very disquisitve for research works.

Dhara Patel et al., J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:6(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-021