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Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)

J Nov Physiother

ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal

Physiotherapy 2017

November 27-29, 2017

November 27-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on


Negative pulsed controlled pressure mechanotherapy in skin grafts: A case report

Manuel Garabal Miguel


Kevin Federico Diaz Monge


, Laia Peña Morillas


, and Jorge Aguilera-Sáez



Insituto Saló Darder, Spain


Clínica Garabal, Spain


Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Spain


assage is a treatment approach in burnt skin grafts in order to avoid the collagen bundles, soften the tissue, prevent

adhesions and desensitize the skin. Limitations are pain, discomfort, skin irritation, pressure and high frequency

required. Negative pulsed controlled pressure mechanotherapy (NPCPM) could solve these. Physium System® is a medical

device of NPCPM that mobilize tissues in different depths improving elasticity, edema reduction and desensitization of the

grafted skin without pain. 16-year old woman with 2ndand 3rd degree burns on the back, gluteal area, left flank, thigh and

leg, both mammary glands and heels, covering the 17% of the total body surface. Partial loss of the left auricular pavilion and

deep temporal fascia. Homo skin grafts used to cover these areas with 45 days of hospitalization. At day 90, patient started

NPCPM treatment. POSAS (The Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale) was assessed for measuring scar quality by the

observer and patient: sum of 6 items from 1 to 10; VAS scale for pain. These were used in follow up at visit 1, 5 and 10 followed

by registration of goniometry. At each follow up, treatment timing and pressure of NPCPM expressed in millibar (mbar) are

stated. Results were in 10 NPCPM sessions. Visit 1 (26 min/50 mbar): VAS 7, POSAS Observer (POSAS_O): 50/60, POSAS

Patient (POSAS_P): 59/60; hip internal rotation (IR) 10º/adduction 15º, spine flexion (SF) 15º. Visit 5 (43 min/70 mbar): VAS

5, POSAS_O:31/60, POSAS_P:45/60; hip IR 45º/adduction 40º, SF 38º. Visit 10 (60 min/ 90-100 mbar): VAS 3, POSAS_O:

26/60, POSAS_P: 31/60; hip and spine with normal range of motion (ROM). Thus, Physium System® is a safe medical device

which can normalize the ROM, skin appearance and sense without pain in less treatment frequency. This could be a new

treatment approach in skin grafted patients.


Manuel Garabal Miguel has completed his PhD from Alfonso X El Sabio University, UCM in Spain. Private Clinic Exercise ,Ph. Professional cycling Teams and

Official Ph. “Vuelta Ciclista a España” for 15 years, Official Ph. “Madrid en Danza 2015,2016,2017”, Responsible-organizer of the Physiotherapy Area of the

international sporting events of the Olympic candidacy of Madrid 2012 y 2016, introduces in Spain and Europe the technique of Kinesiotape in 1989, President

of the Spanish Association of Shiatsu Specialists for 20 years, Shiatsu Teacher from 1987, ChD, In 1995 performs the foot and ankle rehabilitation protocols

operated by minimal incision surgery for The Academy of Ambulatory Foot and Ankle surgery (USA). Biomechanics collaborator for Adidas Padel for your products,

member of the Spanish Society of Ultrasound in Physiotherapy, member of the Physium System Scientific Committee, member of the Spanish Association of

Physiotherapists and the Official College of Physiotherapists of Madrid

Manuel Garabal Miguel

., J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:6(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-021