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Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)

J Nov Physiother

ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal

Physiotherapy 2017

November 27-29, 2017

November 27-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on


Smart shirt with textile strain sensors as experimental method for ballerina shoulder girdle motion


Guna Semjonova

Riga Stradins University, Latvia


mart textile products are widely used in different fields of engineering and everyday life now. For example, smart garments

find wide range of healthcare applications, including health monitoring and rehabilitation. In sports and biomedical

applications, smart sensors and smart sensor garments had been used for sports performance improvement of an individual

and recovery and the correction of movements and ergonomics. One of the main parts of smart garment is the sensing system

which can include one or several sensing elements for posture and joint motion control. Ballet is a type of performance dance

which requires a series of movements in which the person moves in space and time to the rhythm of music. Ballet is a high-

performance dance that requires an advanced level of technical skills, movement precision and aesthetic, advanced motion

coordination. Ballet dancers are described as athletes because they can perform complex, physically demanding routines and

are subjected to long periods of coaching. The aim for this single subject experimental (ABA) design study was to capture

and monitor shoulder girdle motion during training sessions for ballet Scheherezade and her tales, Sun variation theme out

of laboratory environment for ballerina with type I or Inferior scapular dysfunction (Kibler classification). External visual

feature is the right-side prominence of the inferior angle because of anterior tilting of the scapula in the sagital plane and

excessive shoulder elevation during shoulder flexion and abduction above shoulder level, compare with left side. As monitor

tool have been used smart shirt with textile strain sensors (made in Rigas Technical University, patent number: LV 14920),

which captures motion in real time and gives visual feedback on electronic data processing device screen. Smart shirt has been

used in addition to conventional physiotherapy to reduce right side shoulder girdle elevation during advanced motion as ballet

performance. Results showed that smart shirt can be useful and convenient in addition to conventional physiotherapy for

ballerina shoulder girdle motion control.


Guna Semjonova has completed her BSc from Riga Stradins University, Latvia. Presently, she is pursuing Master's degree in Health Sciences (Physiotherapy) in

Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Rehabilitation. She is Member of Performing Arts Medicine Association and Latvia Physiotherapy Association and has four-year

work experience as Physiotherapist in field of traumatology and orthopedics.

Guna Semjonova, J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:6(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-021