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Volume 4, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Pharmacovigil 2016

ISSN:2329-6887 JP, an open access journal

Pharmacovigilance Congress 2016

September 28-30, 2016

September 28-30, 2016 Toronto, Canada



Pharmacovigilance Congress

Mohammed Farhad Ibrahim, J Pharmacovigil 2016, 4:5 (Suppl)

Radical scavenging activity and phytochemical constituent of

Tulipa Systola Stapf

Mohammed Farhad Ibrahim

University of Salahaddin, Iraq


: People living on the mountains of the Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq use large amount of herbs for local traditional

medicine. Among them,

T. systola

, which grows under and between rocks, is very popular as a herbal anti-inflammatory remedy and

pain-relief; two or three fresh bulbs eaten by the patient particularly during inflammation and birth pain.

Tulipa systola

Stapf. was

collected in April 2014 on the Korek Mountains in Rewanduz-Erbil/Kurdistan region. The materials were identified and classified

from Education Salahaddin University Herbarium (ESUH) by Dr. Abdullah Sh. Sardar, at the University of Salahaddin, Erbil-Iraq. A

voucher specimen was deposited with the accession number (7201).



Tulipa systola

roots, leaves and flowers (100 g each) were separately defatted with petroleum ether (500 mL), in an

ultra-sonic bath for 30 min, then macerated for 3h under continuous stirring at room temperature. The procedure was repeated three

times for each part. Defatted roots, leaves and flowers were subsequently separately extracted with ethanol (500 mL) in an ultra-sonic

bath for 30 min, and then macerated for 3h under continuous stirring at room temperature. The procedure was repeated three times

for each part. The mixtures were then filtered and the solvent was removed under “vacuum” in a rotary evaporator to afford crude

ethanol extracts: TR from roots, TL from leaves and TF from flowers, respectively. The concentrated extract TR, TL and TL (1 g),

each extract separately was chromatographed over (MPLC (Isolera) RC18, Methanol/Water; (20:80 – 100% methanol) gradient to

afford different fractions. From further purification of these fractions, some pure bioactive compounds isolated and then identified

by spectroscopic; IR, UV, NMR and MS analysis as, TRD2: (+) 1-O-feruloyl-3-O-p-coumaroyl-glycerol and TRB2: (+) 6-tuliposide A

from Roots, TLW5 and F3: (-) Kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside from both Leaves and Flowers part.


: This is the first report about phytochemical constituent of

Tulipa sytola

Stapf. growing in Kurdistan region Iraq. The

radical scavenging and antioxidant activity of the isolated compounds were evaluated on four tests: DPPH free radical scavenging

activity, ferrous ion-chelating power test, total antioxidant activity, hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity, which were carried out as

described in the literatures. Compared to the reference ascorbic acid the IC50 values of the most active compounds were: (DPPH;

IC50, Ascorbic acid 55 µg/ml > F3 65.4 µg/ml > TRD2 77.1 µg/ml > TRB2 135.5 µg/ml), (hydrogen peroxide scavenging; IC50, F3

36.91 µg/ml > Ascorbic acid 38.37 µg/ml > TRD2 40.83 µg/ml), (TAOC; IC50, Ascorbic acid 57.53 µg/ml > TRD2 81.99 µg/ml > F3

121.08 µg/ml). The significant antioxidant and antiradical activities determined for the different compounds give scientific support to

the traditional use of the plant by the Kurdish people as a popular anti-inflammatory remedy and pain-relief and a great subtend to

become a starting point for

in vivo

investigation in the next steps.


: To the best of our knowledge, the optical active isomer of compound TRD2 (+) 1-O-feruloyl-3-O-pcoumaroyl-glycerol

for the first time had been isolated from

Tulipa systola

roots. The study of the variety of secondary metabolites occurring in

T. systola

as a potential source for natural bioactive chemicals, as well as their precise antioxidant mechanisms, is therefore worthy of being

carried out, and it will be reported in due time.


Mohammed Farhad Ibrahim is a third year PhD student in Natural Product Chemistry and Drug Discovery from medicinal plants. He was awarded MSc degree at

University of Pavia, Italy. He worked as Supervisor in the department of Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Products at Xenofarma company.