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Volume 08

Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmaceutics

ISSN: 2167-065X

Pharmacology 2019

World Heart Congress 2019

August 19-20, 2019




August 19-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria




World Heart Congress



World Congress on


Strategies for the detection, treatment and management of sepsis

Maannashon Prabaharan

King’s College London, UK


epsis is caused by the host’s over-response to an infection, which leads to organ failure. This affects many areas

of the body, including the cardiovascular, renal, GI and pulmonary systems. Sepsis has high mortality rates, with

survivors being affected by complications, including cognitive decline and increased cardiovascular events.

Current methods for diagnosing sepsis include the use of physical biomarkers such as heart rate (HR), and serological

biomarkers such as C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Procalcitonin (PCT). Clinical trials were found through literature

searches using the PubMed and Ovid databases. The cumulative evidence suggests that other serological biomarkers

such as presepsin, Pentraxin-3 (PTX3) and micro-RNA have potential for future clinical use. Heart rate variability

(HRV) is a newer physical biomarker that has good evidence for diagnosing sepsis patients.

The Surviving Sepsis Campaign has annual updates on guidelines for clinicians in treating sepsis. The latest

guidelines have included the empirical use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials to be given immediately, as part of a

‘1-hour bundle’, which does have disadvantages. The growing evidence suggests of a trend in increasing antimicrobial

resistance, therefore, new alternatives should be found. This text has evidence for alternative methods, such as the use

of antimicrobial stewardship (responsible use of antibiotics) and bacteriophages (viruses which infect and destroy


Recent innovations in technology over the past decade have been integrated into clinical practice, and there is great

hope for the near future with new research into predictive algorithms and consumer technology in treating patients.

This review aims to summarise the current developments that have occurred in the diagnosis, treatment and

management of septic patients. This review also aims to show the reader what future developments hold for

improving the quality of sepsis management.

Recent Publications:


Koch, A., Nilsen, R., Eriksen, H., Cox, R. and Harthug, S. (2015). Mortality related to hospital-associated

infections in a tertiary hospital; repeated cross-sectional studies between 2004-2011. Antimicrobial Resistance

and Infection Control, 4(57).


Jurač, K., Nabergoj, D. and Podgornik, A. (2018). Bacteriophage production processes. Applied Microbiology

and Biotechnology. In press.


Wu, X., Yang, J., Yu, L. and Long, D. (2018). Plasma miRNA-223 correlates with risk, inflammatory markers

as well as prognosis in sepsis patients. Medicine, 97(27), p.e11352


Liu, Y., Yu, M., Shou, S. and Chai, Y. (2017). Sepsis-Induced Cardiomyopathy: Mechanisms and Treatments.

Frontiers in Immunology, 8, pp.1-8.


Maannashon Prabaharan is an intercalating student who has interests in Pharmacology, and its uses in clinical practice. This paper vocalizes his opinions about

the current clinical scenario regarding sepsis (Levy et al. 2018), and potential future changes that could be implemented in all aspects of clinical care.

Maannashon Prabaharan, Clin Pharmacol Biopharm, Volume 08