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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Pain Relief, an open access journal

ISSN: 2167-0846

Pain Management 2017

October 05-06, 2017



International Conference and Exhibition on

October 05-06, 2017 London, UK

Pain Research And Management

The effect of standard pain assessment on pain and analgesic consumption amount in patients

undergoing arthroscopic shoulder surgery

Sevilay Erden, Sevil Guler Demir, Ulunay Kanatl, Fatma Danac


Banu Carboga

Cukurova University, Turkey


ain assessment has a key role in relief of the postoperative pain. In this study, we aimed to examine the effect of the

standard pain assessment protocol (SPAP), which we developed based on acute pain guidelines, on pain level, and analgesic

consumption. The study population consisted of a total of 101 patients who had arthroscopic shoulder surgery. The routine

pain assessment was administered to the control group, while the SPAP was administered to the study group. The routine pain

therapy of the clinic was administered to the subjects from both groups based on the pain assessment. Throughout the study,

pain was assessed nearly two times more in the study group (p<0.001) and the mean pain levels were lower at 8th-11th hours

in the study group (p<0.001). Pain assessment was not performed after 12th hour despite the severe pain in the control group,

and, therefore, analgesia was administered at irregular intervals or was not administered at all. However, the hours of analgesic

administration were found to be more regular according to the pain levels of the patients in the study group. In conclusion,

the SPAP reduced the pain level by providing regular analgesia when used in combination with regular pain assessment. This

article highlights the appropriate assessment for patients with surgical pain. In majority of literature on the subject, the authors

emphasize the importance of standard pain assessment protocol to provide adequate pain relief.

J Pain Relief 2017, 6:5(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2167-0846-C1-015