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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)

Optom open access

ISSN: 2476-2075 OMOA, an open access journal

Ophthalmologists 2017

September 25-26, 2017

September 25-26, 2017 Dubai, UAE




Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting

High-power blue laser pointer induced maculopathy

Saba Al Reshaid

King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital, KSA


aser devices are ubiquitous in modern medicine, industry, military and everyday life. Lecturers often use hand held laser

pointers at conferences. Eye injuries due to laser exposure are a concern because optical radiation from 400 nm to 1400

nm penetrates into various ocular structures. The eye is the only organ vulnerable to this range of wavelength. The blink reflex

and aversion response restrict the duration of laser exposure to 0.15-0.25 seconds. These natural protective mechanisms are

effective against low power laser pointers. However, retinal injury following prolonged (>10 seconds) can occur after exposure

to low-power laser pointers recently high-power handheld laser pointers (up to 1200 mW) are now publicly available via the

internet. These laser pointers can be used to light fireworks from a distance, light cigarettes and burn through plastic bags, this

study will show our experience with the patients presented with retina injury caused by momentary exposure to a high-power

blue laser pointer. 27 patients had a history of laser pointer were presented with the followings: Full thickness macular hole

(FTMH) in 17 eyes, intraocular hemorrhage in 7 eyes, an outer retinal disruption in one eye, an epiretinal membrane in 1 eye

and a schisis-like cavity in one eye. Initial best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) had a mean of 20/290 (range: 20/40 to 4/200).

Neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet Nd:YAG hyaloidotomy was performed in five eyes with sub hyaloid hemorrhage

and pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with or without tamponed in 15 eyes. Whereas observation elected in 7 eyes visual acuity

improved almost in all patients spontaneously or following intervention. Conclusions observed that visual acuity improved in

all patients spontaneously or following intervention. High-power handheld laser pointers are extremely dangerous to the eye

and public awareness should be encouraged.


Saba Al Rashaed is an Ophthalmologist who has experience in handling eye diagnosis, surgeries and recommendations to help patients perform proper care

for their eyes. He has excellent skills in performing surgeries and giving treatments, values time and work management, practices effective organizational skills

strategies for better coordination with peers. He participates in the training of residents, as well as fellows. He is a dedicated Researcher and rigorous when it comes

to designing the research projects, as well as in implementing them. He has 30 scientific publications and 66 scientific posts.

Saba Al Reshaid, Optom open access 2017, 2:2 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2476-2075-C1-005