Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Optom open access
ISSN: 2476-2075 OMOA, an open access journal
Ophthalmologists 2017
September 25-26, 2017
Page 16
September 25-26, 2017 Dubai, UAE
Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting
Improving healthcare by enhancing education with virtual reality: An experiential demonstration of
simulations for resident, medical student and patient education in ophthalmology
urrently, much of medical education is delivered though professor-centered, passive learning methods such as lectures.
Clinical experience is attained with direct patient interaction. There is a need for experiential learning opportunities
for an interactive educational experience and pre-clinical preparation prior to direct patient encounter. Simulation based
medical education has been researched and proven to be superior to traditional teaching methods. Simulation has become
an important component of resident and medical student education in many medical specialties. There is a distinct need for
high fidelity simulations in ophthalmology curriculum. In this workshop we will share examples of how simulations have
been incorporated into medical education and resident training curricula. This workshop is designed to highlight why the
traditional lecture format, i.e., passive knowledge transfer, needs to be complemented with active learning opportunities such
as flipped class room and simulations. Simulators will be able for hands on experience for you. You will be able to experience
how the students can use the stereo eye model to virtually dissect and better conceptualize the structure of the eye and to
understand the visual pathways. Visual pathways are often confusing to students, but the color coding and camera flythrough
features of EyeSim generate concept clarity. In addition, during their clinical skills sessions students can use the virtual patient
to learn to perform the pupil exam and recognize pupil and cranial nerve dysfunctions.
Anu Khanna is a Professor and Vice-Chair of Education in Ophthalmology at Loyola University Chicago with over 20 years of experience in patient care, cataract
surgery and academic medicine. She has been awarded the Teacher of the Year award four times from ophthalmology residents. She has focused her work on
experiential learning tools by creating an interactive, virtual patient for deliberate practice in a safe environment. She has developed EyeSim, a simulator for neuro-
ophthalmic skills and anatomy using Virtual Reality (VR) technology in collaboration with EON Reality. Her work in simulation has been acknowledged with an
award at the 2015 International Laval Virtual reality conference and at the 2017 Society of Simulation in Healthcare annual meeting.
anuradha_khanna@hotmail.com akhanna@lumc.eduAnu Khanna
Loyola University, USA
Anu Khanna, Optom open access 2017, 2:2 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2476-2075-C1-005