Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Nutr Food Sci
ISSN:2155-9600 JNFS, an open access journal
Page 58
Nutrition 2016
September 14-16, 2016
September 14-16, 2016 San Antonio, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on
Seon-Joo Park et al., J Nutr Food Sci 2016, 6:5 (Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-9600.C1.027Healthy dietary pattern and prevalence of depressive symptoms in Korean middle-aged and elderly
Seon-Joo Park
Hae-Jeung Lee
Gachon University, South Korea
he association with depression and dietary patterns has been reported in a few studies. This study was conducted to investigate
the association between dietary patterns and prevalence of depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms were assessed using
the Beck depression inventory (BDI) and those who have BDI score ≥16 were defined depression. Food intake over the past year
was estimated using a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Multiple logistic regressions used to assess the
association of dietary patterns with depression. In analysis, 1625 women (aged 43-73 years) were included. We identified two major
dietary patterns by using factor analysis; the healthy and the unhealthy dietary patterns. The healthy dietary pattern characterized by
a high intake of vegetables, fishes, mushroom, bean and bean paste, seaweeds, shellfish, fruits and low intake of white rice, carbonated
drink, coffee. Compared with participants in the lowest quartiles, those in the highest quartiles had significantly lower odds ratio
(OR=0.64, 95% confidence interval 0.41-0.97, p=0.0372) for depression after adjusted for age, body mass index, exercise, smoking,
drinking, marital status, total energy intake and chronic diseases status in healthy dietary pattern. This study suggests that adherence
to a diet plenty in vegetables, mushroom, bean and bean paste and fruits reduce the risk of depression symptoms in Korean middle-
aged and elderly women.
Seon-Joo Park has received her PhD degree in 2004 from Seoul National University in Korea and she has worked as a Senior Researcher for Division of
Epidemiology & Health Index, The Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention from 2004 to 2014. She is an Assistant Professor at Department of Food and
Nutrition in Gachon University and Vice-Chief of Institute for Aging and Clinical Nutrition Research. Her research focuses on nutritional epidemiology, nutrigenomics
and cohort study.