Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Nutr Food Sci
ISSN:2155-9600 JNFS, an open access journal
Page 71
Nutrition 2016
September 14-16, 2016
September 14-16, 2016 San Antonio, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on
J Nutr Food Sci 2016, 6:5 (Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-9600.C1.027Adiponectin, a marker of malnutrition
Fatma Chebbi, Violaine Tran Quang, Jean-Louis Golmard
Jean-Marc Lacorte
Hopitaux Universitaires Pitie-Salpetriere, France
Introduction and Aim:
Adiponectin (ADPN), adipokine produced by adipose tissue, circulates in several forms, one form of high
molecular weight (HMW) is considered to be biologically active. Unlike leptin, ADPN concentrations are lower in obese and/or
insulin-resistant patients. Bariatric surgery bypass provides a significant reduction in body fat, improved carbohydrate and lipid
parameters and standardization of ADPN concentrations. The long-term surveillance of patients who underwent bariatric surgery
has allowed us to observe that there was, in some cases, exaggerated ADPN elevations among patients who had malnutrition
with significant hypoalbuminemia. In these circumstances, we quantified the total ADPN (TADPN) and HMW in subjects with
hypoalbuminemia and we followed the evolution of ADPN in malnourished patients before and after refeeding.
Materials &Methods:
57 subjects (28W, 29M), hospitalized at Pitié-Salpêtrière with hypoalbuminemia were explored. These patients
were classified into two groups depending on the concentration of serum albumin: Severe hypoalbuminemia <20 g/L (13 W, 22 M)
and hypoalbuminemia 20 g/L≤AB≤30 g/L (15 W, 7 M). 36 healthy volunteers constitute the control population (20 W, 16 M). We
followed 5 patients (4 W, 1 M) who presented hypoalbuminemia after bariatric surgery. The TADPN was assayed by ELISA (ALPCO)
and HMW was quantitated by an automated assay (Fujirebio Lumipulse G1200).
As in controls, the concentrations of TADPN and HMW are higher in women than men among patients with
hypoalbuminemia. However, serum concentrations of HMW and TADPN were significantly higher in subjects with severe
hypoalbuminemia whatsoever in men (p=0.0004) and in women (p=0.0003). We were able to demonstrate that there was an inverse
correlation between hs-CRP and TADPN and HMW (p=0.0003 and 0.0002, respectively). Finally, by applying a partial correlation
test (by fixing hs-CRP concentrations), there is a significant negative correlation between albumin and TADPN (p=0.013), albumin
and HMW (p=0.015). Moreover, when hypoalbuminemia is corrected through therapeutic care, we see decreased TADPNT and
HMW blood concentrations.
We show in this work that the values of TADPN and HMW exceed the usual values in patients with hypoalbuminemia
but they must be interpreted according to hs-CRP. The concentrations of adiponectin return to normal after hypoalbuminemia
correction. While the regulatory mechanisms are still unknown, we propose to evaluate the interest of TADPNT and HMW dosage
as a nutritional marker by applying it to a larger population.