Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Nutr Food Sci
ISSN:2155-9600 JNFS, an open access journal
Page 75
Nutrition 2016
September 14-16, 2016
September 14-16, 2016 San Antonio, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on
J Nutr Food Sci 2016, 6:5 (Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-9600.C1.027Nutrition, food, cell toxicity & cancer (NFCC)
Mehmet Isbir
University of Akdeniz, Turkey
owadays the most important subject that people are thinking about is on “healthy eating” such as which food is good for eating
and which should be prohibited. Despite professionals and laymen advices to us what to eat to be healthy, recently scientists have
some good suggestions about “healthy diets” that depends on molecular biology, genetics, toxicology and chemistry revealed some
complex interrelationships of food with toxicology nutrition with detoxification and diet with the prevention of degenerative disease
that should finally enable us to make judgments concerning us about “Healthy diets”. In order to have healthy life, healthy food or diet
is very important, for this reason it should always be taken in consideration. The importance of diet and nutrition in detoxication of
chemicals under these subjects, various facts must be taken in consideration such modification of intestine absorption and intestine
cell. Under the heading of diet it covers very large area from drug to processed food or processed food to raw vegetables or even
vitamins. Also the term of cell includes cell of food or living organism. On the other hand, signaling between cells are very important
even for the toxic consequences of diet and wealth such as it was shown that there is cancer cell signaling targeted by spice derived
nutraceuticals or other type of cellular signaling systems, intracellular mechanisms that are controlled by intracellular calcium. The
consequences of having food are either good healthy life or life with lot of difficulties such as with the disease; the worst is cancer, but
having healthy food can also prevent the toxic affect of food.
isbir@akdeniz.edu.trEthical aspect of nutrition therapy in anorexia nervosa
Mukadder Gun
GMMA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital, Turkey
thical debate frequently exists in the treatment of patient with eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a psychiatric illness
that does not discriminate against age, gender, sexual orientation, race or religion. This condition decreases life quality and may
be potentially dangerous; on the other hand AN problematic reactions in treating health professionals. Health professional/caregivers
of adolescent medicine are often the consultants responsible for decision making hospitalization of AN patients. Finally doctors may
be restricting these patients freedom and they may require enteral nutrition (EN), total parenteral enteral nutrition (TPEN) and
other recommendations. Therefore, health professionals are always encountered dilemma about themselves ethical values on patient’
feeding duty and patients autonomy. This study contains the following ethical aspects of nutrition therapy in AN: Values, autonomy
concept of patients, rights of patients, respect for person, right to treatment refusal, duty of protect, restriction, patients will, forced
treatment and paternalist medicine.