Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Nutr Food Sci
ISSN:2155-9600 JNFS, an open access journal
Page 77
Nutrition 2016
September 14-16, 2016
September 14-16, 2016 San Antonio, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on
J Nutr Food Sci 2016, 6:5 (Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-9600.C1.027The development in diagnosis of sub clinic cobalamin deficiency
Selda Demirtas
Ufuk University, Turkey
he growing data indicates that subclinical cobalamin deficiency (SCCD) is being diagnosed more than ever. Because of its
common occurrence than classical cobalamin deficiency, SCCD is an important condition for public health. One question with
SCCD is whether it is only a state of mild metabolic abnormality without any clinical signs or symptoms or is associated with clinical
signs and symptoms, albeit vague. The exact prevalence of SCCD which is more frequent in young and middle aged adults is largely
unknown. Furthermore, the absence of ideal test marker for cobalamin deficiency is aggravating the situation. It is clear that these
problems can be solved with the evaluation of reference values of cobalamin and related tests in each population. In our current
reference range study, serum cobalamin, folate and holotranscobalamin (Holo-TC) values, plasma homocystein and methyl malonic
acid (MMA) levels were assayed in over the 400 healthy volunteers. The results indicated that, all of the tests except for the plasma
homocysteine and MMA were found lower than detected by the manufacturer. They were divided to subgroups with respect to ages.
Cobalamin and Holo-TC values of youngest group differ from the oldest group. So, we suggest the use of own reference values for
each population and Holo-TC should be used together with the serum cobalamin in diagnosing SCCD. In another study, we observed
that the cognitive test scores elevated with the increase of Vitamin B12 in young and middle-aged. In conclusion, SCCD is a hidden
health problem that could be manifested by itself with a cognitive failure in the young and middle aged population. The serum
cobalamin around 190-250 pg/ml should be considered for the diagnosis of SCCD which manifested by the cognitive impairment
and cognitive functions should be assayed to provide exact diagnose.
seldademirtas@yahoo.comModified University of Wisconsin solution with melatonin and its efficacy on kidney preservation time
S Arbak
, A Coskun
, C Yegen
, O Gunal
, W Attaallah
, I Seckin
, B Cetiner
, Z Yildirim
, Y Erdemgil
, M A Elmas
, S Demirci
, O Can
, M Serteser
, A Ozpınar
G Basdemir
, A Belce
I Unsal
Acibadem University, Turkey
Marmara University, Turkey
Istanbul University, Turkey
Memorial Hospital, Turkey
Bezmialem Vakif University, Turkey
n order to provide long lasting time period for organ preservation, donor organs are kept in special preservation solutions, as
University of Wisconsin (UW) is the most preferred solution. The aim of this study is to extend the preservation time and also
provide more effective protection. In order to provide better preservation, the ingredients of the UW solution were changed (Modified
UW), as well as melatonin was included (Modified UW+M) in the preservation medium. Time related morphological changes of
rat kidneys in each group were comparatively investigated within this study. Totally perfused kidneys were placed in UW, Modified
UW and Modified UW+M solutions and kept during 2, 10, 24 and 72 h at 4 oC. Kidney tissue samples were taken at all given time
intervals and these samples were prepared for light and transmission electron microscopy. Histopathological scoring based on renal
injury, tubular and glomerular degeneration, inflammatory cell infiltration and vasocongestion was performed. Liquid samples, taken
at 2, 10, 24 and 72 h at 4 oC from the storage media were investigated for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Comparative findings
at light and transmission electron microscopical levels and also LDH results revealed that preservation in Mod UW+M solution was
statistically much more prominent in all time intervals, significantly at 72nd hour of preservation. In all groups, LDH levels were
consistent with morphological results. We could conclude that Mod UW+Mwere the most effective solution among the experimental
groups especially suitable for preservation up to 72 hours.