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Volume 8

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

ISSN: 2155-9600

Nutri-Food Chemistry


Euro Obesity 2018

September 13-15, 2018


September 13-15, 2018 | London, UK




Obesity and Endocrinology Congress




World Congress on

Nutrition and Food Chemistry

Dysphagia diet for elderly prepared by Espuma method

Ryoko Wada, Nami Yamamoto, Noriko Komagome


Machiko Mineki

Tokyo Kasei University, Japan

Background & Aim:

Recently, nursing care level of residents in nursing home has worsened, consequently pasted foods ratio

among serving meals at care facilities in Tokyo increased from 0% to 37% in these 10 years. Similarly, we found that 60% (43

of 71) of group homes for elderly with dementia in Tokyo have residents who have swallowing/eating difficulty. Moreover,

pneumonia including the aspiration pneumonia is the third leading cause of death of elderly in Japan. Decreased swallowing/

eating ability causes malnutrition as well as aggravation of health as a result QOL (Quality of life) of elderly will get worse. In

this study, we examined the foamy food produced by “Espuma” aiming to provide tasty, safe and nutritive foods as a new style

of prepared foods.


We prepared 4 kinds of sample bread porridge and processed it by Espuma dispenser to foam. Foamed porridge

textures were examined at 10 min and 30 min after produced.


Texture of foam porridge was maintained for 30 minutes after processed. To take 100 kcal by bread porridge, eating

amount was about 40 g. Regarding the softness of porridge foam, sample S and sample SC were significantly softer than

reference sample. The bread porridge became soft with the soy milk. It suggested that some kinds of cream effect to maintain

the texture of foam foods.

Conclusion & Significance:

Espuma-processed bread porridge has 250 kcal per about 100 g, it means foamed porridge

potentially improve a nutrient condition. Moreover, it maintained foam shape 30 min after produced and indicated equivalent

texture level to criteria of dysphagia diet that suggested Espuma-produced foam foods can be introduced to the food service

at nursing facilities for elderly with swallowing/eating difficulty. Furthermore, we are examining the porridge using rice which

is the Japanese staple food.


Ryoko Wada is currently a Professor in the Department of Food and Nutrition at the Tokyo Kasei University, Japan. She is a qualified Registered Dietitian. She

has years of experience in managing the food service at nursing care facility as registered dietitian as well as management of facility. She specializes in nutritional

management for elderly, nutritional education and diet education. Currently she is tackling research studies of nutritional management of nursing care facilities for

elderly and improvement in nutrition of elderly.

Ryoko Wada et al., J Nutr Food Sci 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9600-C7-072