Page 87
Volume 19, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Int J Emerg Ment Health, an open access journal
ISSN: 1522-4821
Mental Health 2017
June 21-23, 2017
Mental Health and Human Resilience
June 21-23, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
Int J Emerg Ment Health 2017, 19:2(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-009
Are the married women living in slums safe and mentally healthy at home? A cross sectional study from
Bangalore, India
Deiveegan C
, Ramakrishna G B
Johnson P
Velammal Medical College and Hospital, India
St. John’s Medical College and Hospital, India
Statement of the Problem:
Ever married women who reside in informal settlements like slums experience numerous stressors in life,
including intimate partner violence (IPV), which affects their mental health globally. So this study was undertaken with the objective
of estimating the prevalence of IPV and psychiatric morbidity and factors associated with the same among ever married women aged
18-60 years residing in an urban slum of Bangalore.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:
This cross sectional study was conducted in an urban slum in Bengaluru city, India. 300
women selected using systematic random sampling were interviewed using standard data collection tools viz. M.I.N.I screen, M.I.N.I
Plus, Index of Spouse Abuse (ISA) and Family interview for Genetic Studies (FIGS).
The mean (SD) age of the participants was 32.37 (8.78) years. Prevalence of psychiatric morbidity was 30% (CI±5.19).
Most common morbidities were depression and generalized anxiety disorders. IPV (adj OR=2.06, p=0.02) was an independent
predictor of psychiatric morbidity. Alcohol dependence and having <4 family members were also found to be significantly associated
with psychiatric morbidity. The lifetime prevalence of IPV was 67.3% (CI±5.31). Age>25 years (adj OR=6.08, p<0.01) and alcohol
dependent spouse (adj OR=58.6, p<0.01) were significantly associated with IPV.
Conclusion & Significance:
Intimate partner violence significantly affects mental health of married women. Alcohol dependence
among husbands has also been found to be intricated with the women’s mental health. Similar studies in different settings and follow
up studies would enable us to identify other risk factors which could be aimed at in controlling the rising burden of psychiatric
morbidity among married women.