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Volume 19, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Int J Emerg Ment Health, an open access journal
ISSN: 1522-4821
Mental Health 2017
June 21-23, 2017
Mental Health and Human Resilience
June 21-23, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
Mental impairment, from anxiety neurosis to schizophrenia psychosis including Alzheimer is chronic
active bacterial encephalitis: Anatomic and physiologic aspects
Abbas Alnaji
Al-sadder General Teaching Hospital, Iraq
ental capabilities is the function of our brain, in the words of today, they are the SOFTWARE SW and the HARDWARE HW
respectively. The manipulator between SW and HW in present computers is the electrons of voltage only. In our brains it is the
electrons, but in extremely complex chemical system/s. The governor in both of these, the brain and the computer, is the welfare of
the hardware. Wildly, it means the sound
brings to sound function. Structure is the micro and macro tooling (tooling is from
tool, where a designer use his art to fuse the shape and the function for a given target, not necessarily or always the shape/
means the aimed function!!). If we come back to the simplicity and the logic we conclude there is no functional mental dysfunction.
But a reversible or irreversible alteration in
the brain’s chemical systems! What is the brain’s chemical system
? As the brain parenchyma
is made of neurons in certain scheme, and the neurons are made of macro molecules to form also a given scheme, so the net or an
equation to a coordinate which refers to the unity of a path, this is number one. Number two; these macromolecules building the
neurons are very playable (not rigid) many factors affects its pre-instant geometry whether physiologic or pathologic. Here also a
net or another equation shows the neuron structure is a dynamic one never a fixed one like the universe when you want to give an
address to certain entity you has to point the time factor or else you are in stray state. If we combine one and two we will come out
with a state described by the lack of linear structure (rigid and increase by simple summation) and hence the function. It is the same
as when you wrap your finger with a piece of cloth (handkerchief ) which itself will accommodate to your face differently. This is the
GENERAL PLASTICITY GP which means not only brain as a whole do it, in fact GP has a depth which extends to the soul of neuron
interior or the sub cellular geometry which tunes with the required molecular chemical event . It need no proof, chemical reaction is
a play of pallet, it is well known for chemists, so why cells do the differ??!! It just want to be seen by us or at least feel it to better know
our selves and see how it behaves. What is important here is COUNTER EQUATION. What is this?! It is the same as we mentioned
above but expressed by a different and foreign cell/s which is termed as pathogenic microbe the same as the term of virus for the a
aforementioned computer systemwhere the SWof it is altered by a specially designed one but computer systems on its glory is a linear
ones. Here we want to links all and say there is no functional and structural concepts a part. Here I try to explain the biological events
behind mental dysfunction on the light of my work where much mental impairment were treated on cellular level of host and invader
bases where it is not unknown and solved by tranquilizers, or be sent to me to slice the brain!
Abbas A Shakir Alnaji has completed his degree in Neurosurgery from University of Baghdad in 1999. He is interested in research work and has 12 papers
published in the field of Surgical Pathology Causations.
abbasalnaji@yahoo.comAbbas Alnaji, Int J Emerg Ment Health 2017, 19:2(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-009