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Volume 19, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Int J Emerg Ment Health, an open access journal
ISSN: 1522-4821
Mental Health 2017
June 21-23, 2017
Mental Health and Human Resilience
June 21-23, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
Alexandra Alfaro et al., Int J Emerg Ment Health 2017, 19:2(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-009
Military service effects on personality and psychological well-being
Alexandra Alfaro
Paula Boros
Nova Southeastern University, USA
here has been a recent spike in media coverage regarding military personnel shootings. These incidents have a tendency to leave
the public wondering if military service plays a role in this violence. Further, could experiences in the military lead to shifts
in a person’s character? In this study, researchers are interested in investigating the effects of military service on personality and
psychological well-being. A quantitative one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted involving 6660 total participants,
4846 of which report having never served in the military and 1814 report that they have served on active duty. Findings are later
discussed, along with implications for research on military systems and their surroundings, overlapping systems. Researchers also
argue that extension of this research should be done to further explain the effects of military service on personality and psychological
well-being, as well as the effects they may have on individuals and families. Researchers conclude by highlighting the possibility of
clinical therapeutic intervention as having a positive impact on military personnel and their systems. Learning objectives: By the
end of this presentation, participants will be able to understand the relationship between military service and the effects it may have
on personality and psychological well-being constructs; identify ways personality and psychological well-being could impact an
individual’s behavior; interpret how changes resulting from service in the military within these constructs could affect interpersonal
relationships; and conceptualize how certain therapeutic services could have a positive impact in these systems.
Alexandra Alfaro is currently pursuing PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy at Nova Southeastern University, USA. She comes from a heavily systemic background,
which shows itself through her keen attention to contextual layers. As she cultivates her background in research, she has become interested in the overlap of mental
health and current social issues. Most recently, she has directed her attention toward linkages between mental health and military service.
Paula Boros is currently a Marriage and Family Therapy PhD student at Nova Southeastern University and a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist Intern.
Her background is in systemic theory and application from a postmodern perspective, which is demonstrated through contextual layers and understanding. Her
research background thus far focuses on social justice issues and mental health concerns, from a systemic application. Her current attention is focusing on the
military service population and mental health. By further understanding this population and bringing attention to these topics, she is able to consider future research,
which will be clinically relevant to the population and the field.