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Volume 19, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Int J Emerg Ment Health, an open access journal
ISSN: 1522-4821
Mental Health 2017
June 21-23, 2017
Mental Health and Human Resilience
June 21-23, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
Mental impairment, from anxiety neurosis to schizophrenia psychosis including Alzheimer is chronic
active bacterial encephalitis: Introduction
Abbas Alnaji
Al-sadder General Teaching Hospital, Iraq
ental health problems in its wide spectrum are a prehistoric mankind suffering. It was managed according to the Era knowledge
and capabilities, which are well known in a degree or other for everybody even outside the field. These management measures
have evolved with advancement of physics and chemistry. Our primary medical teaching mentioned that mental health impairment
could be a feature of an organic illness. According to my work in the field of biological bases of neurosurgical pathologies this
opened a door wide to show this mental health impairment is far more than we imagine, principally, it is a pure organic illness, not
mere a functional mental disorder in above mentioned spectrum. How is that come?! From two bases. First; through the manner
I adopt to find the cause behind my neurosurgical patients complaints, I check the patient as a whole even he has simple back
ache this lead me to realize that low back pain is a diseases in all and proved by trial treatment and PCR review. With this or that,
there were an accompanying mental discomfort of different qualities and quantities. On treating the cause without analgesia and
sedation the visiting complaint ameliorated much very readily accompanying mental alteration. When this is frequent, so it became a
phenomenon, what the author terms as an accompanion phenomenon/a (by definition; an event/s occur/s in a response to a certain
act and it is/they are considered as a natural or definitive). That’s to say the mental and the somatic are both features to a cause which
was I am looking for and treated. Chronic Brucellosis is well known to cause sharp or vague condition/s of mental complaints we are
working on for the last twenty years with supra imagination results. Here, in this series I shed the light to show its depth and width.
Abbas A Shakir Alnaji has completed his degree in Neurosurgery from University of Baghdad in 1999. He is interested in research work and has 12 papers
published in the field of Surgical Pathology Causations.
abbasalnaji@yahoo.comAbbas Alnaji, Int J Emerg Ment Health 2017, 19:2(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-009