Page 51
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Ind Chem
ISSN: 2469-9764, ICO an open access journa
Industrial Chemistry 2017
May 22-23, 2017
May 22-23, 2017 Las Vegas, USA
World Conference on
Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment
Filed demonstration of a portable TS-af-HFMnanofiltration process for the cost-effective treatment
of oilfield produced water
Jianjia Yu, Shangwen Zha
Guoyin Zhang
New Mexico Tech, USA
Statement of the Problem
: Flowback and/or produced water (P/F water) is the largest byproduct stream associated with oil
and gas production. The P/F water contains elevated concentrations of dissolved salt (20,000 to 300,000 ppm), suspended
solids, soluble organics and low concentration of BTEX. Management of F/P water is a particular concern due to the wide range
of constituents which are of concern to both unconventional shale gas developers and the environment. The overall objective of
this project is to develop and demonstrate the performance and cost-effectiveness of a portable Two-Stage, Antifouling Hollow
Fiber Membrane (TS-af-HFM) nanofiltration process to convert produced water into a clean water product for a reused fluid
or direct discharge.
Methodology &Theoretical Orientation
: Large amounts of super hydrophobic PVDF/Si-R hollow fiber membranes and super
hydrophilic PES/SiO
hollow fiber membranes were fabricated to assemble the pilot-scale hollow fiber membrane modules for
the installation of the TS-af-HFM nanofiltration system. The nanofiltration system was installed and tested in a production
facility located at Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Conclusion & Significance
: It was found that the permeate water flux and water recovery was proportional to the feed rate.
The optimal feed rate for a single hollow fiber membrane module was in the range between 10.96-12.95 bbl/day, with the water
recovery around 60%. The performance of the nanofiltration system was not influenced by the temperature. The TS-af-HFM
system exhibited good antifouling ability during a continuous filtration process. A comprehensive cost analysis reveals that the
TS-af-HFM system can help generate $61,468 of capitals compared to without the system
Jianjia Yu is a Research Scientist at Petroleum Recovery Research Center of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMIMT). His research interests
include CO
foam EOR, CO
capture and produced water remediation. He has authored/or coauthored more than 35 technical papers and holds 1 US patent. He
holds a PhD degree in Petroleum Engineering from NMIMT.
jianjia.yu@nmt.eduJianjia Yu et al., Ind Chem 2017, 3:2 (Suppl)