Page 50
Day 2 May 23, 2017
Agro-based Industries and Industrial Processes | Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals | Food, Beverage & Tobacco
| Industrial Water Supply | Geochemistry | Mining & Metallurgy | Oil & Gas | Power Generation | Paper
& Pulp | Desalination | Membrane Technology-Nano Filtration and Reverse Osmosis | Hazardous Waste
Management | Petro-Chemistry | Lead Drug Discovery | Petroleum and Polymer Processing | White
Biotechnology and Green Chemistry | Material Science and Chemical Metallurgy | Industrial Photo Chemistry
Session Introduction
Filed Demonstration of a portable TS-af-HFM nanofiltration process for the cost-effective
treatment of oilfield produced water
Jianjia Yu,
New Mexico Tech, USA
Application of Ultrasound to control and Enhance Performance of Dynamic Membrane in
Anaerobic Bioreactor
Alka A. Mungray,
National Institute of Technology, India
Quality assessment of groundwater from Avenorfeme: Akatsi District, Ghana
Victus Bobonkey Samlafo,
University of Education, Ghana
Preparation and characterization of chitosan coated diatomaceous earth for hexavalent
chromium removal
Suhaib Salih,
University of Missouri-Columbia, Missouri
A numerical study on longitudinal vortex induced enhancement of mass transfer in a
membrane channel
Jingchun Min,
Tsinghua University, China
Decontamination of polluted water by veterinary antibiotics by studying the
photochemical behavior under light excitation
Soumaya Mezghich,
Blaise Pascal University, France
A Green Polyester and Products from Carbon Dioxide, Water and Solar Power
Jian Yu,
University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Porous Silicon Nanoparticles and Magnetite-Chitosan-Reduced Graphene Oxide for
Simultaneous Removal of Heavy Metals and Anionic Surfactant
Mingtan Hai,
University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
Microwave Applications in Petroleum Processing
Adango Miadonye,
Cape Breton University, Canada
Session Chair
Lidietta Giorno
Institute on Membrane Technology
National Research Council, Italy
Session Co-chair
Hyoyoung Lee
Sungkyunkwan University
Republic of Korea
Session Co-chair
Toshiki Aoki
Niigata University