Page 41
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Ind Chem
ISSN: 2469-9764, ICO an open access journa
Industrial Chemistry 2017
May 22-23, 2017
May 22-23, 2017 Las Vegas, USA
World Conference on
Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment
Soraya Hosseini et al., Ind Chem 2017, 3:2 (Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2469-9764-C1-005The potential of natural gelatin generated from Sisymbrium irio seed in water treatment processes
Soraya Hosseini
, Salman Masoudi Soltani
Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Imperial College London, UK
any treatment methods have been proposed for removal of pollutants from water. The feasibility of a natural gelatin from
Sisymbrium irio
seeds to remove dyes (methylene blue, and methyl orange) and reducing turbidity of kaolin water has
been examined. Various natural materials were applied for removal of dyes, heavy metals, organic compounds and reducing
turbidity from wastewater; however, some issues such as the presence of poisoning materials appeared due to utilization of
those natural materials.
Sisymbrium irio
seed is widely used as medicine for treating some disease, indicating the edible seed
is free poisoning. Various enzymatic degradation products are formed from
Sisymbrium irio
seed when the seed tissue is
disrupted due to content glucosinolates. These products contribute to adsorbing anionic and cationic dyes from water in which
the dyes are totally removed in all pH range of solutions; however, reduction in turbidity of kaolin water was not observed.
The highest amount of natural gelatin was obtained in the pH range 5 to 7. A color reduction of over 99% was achieved at
equilibrium using an methylene blue concentration of 200 mg/L with 5 g seed in the pH range 3 to 10 and also 98% methyl
orange was removed in the pH range 5 to 10. A color changing of the
Sisymbrium irio
seed was observed form orange to dark
blue after removal of methylene blue. The results show that the enzymatic degradation products are totally able to remove both
cationic and anionic dyes that may have occurred due to bonding with various functional groups such as OH, SO3, SH, CN,
etc. For this reason, no flocculation occurred in kaolin water without any surface charge to reduce turbidity.
Soraya Hosseini has completed her PhD in Chemical Engineering from University Kembangan Malaysia in 2010, followed by a series of Post-doctoral positions
at University Putra Malaysia from 2010 to 2016 within the same department. Her PhD and the subsequent postdoctoral research have led to about 45 research
papers published in high-profile scientific journals in the field. Although she has been actively involved in environmental research and catalyst fabrication, her main
research interest falls in the area of the fabrication of anhydrous membranes in fuel cell application. She has also been developing a growing interest in the area
of advanced materials and electrochemical reactions. She has also conducted in-depth research on the fabrication of biosensors, employed in a range of food and
energy. Her current research is concentrated around the fabrication of biosensors and probing into their performance by means of electrochemical reaction and
impedance spectroscopy.