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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Gastrointest Dig Syst, an open access journal


Gastroenterology 2017

November 13-14, 2017

November 13-14, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA



International Conference on

Clinical Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy

Adalimumab usage in ankylosing spondylitis-related inflammatory bowel disease manifestation: A

monocentric experience in Han Chinese patients

Chrong-Reen Wang, Chia-Tse Weng, Chung-Ta Lee, Kuo-Yuan Huang, Sheng-Min Hsu


Yen-Cheng Chiu

National Cheng Kung University Hospital, China


Despite a high prevalence of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in Han Chinese, the clinical experience is still very limited in

the extra-articular presentation of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A monocentric retrospective review was performed in Han

Chinese patients, particularly in the usage of adalimumab (ADA).


This study analyzed AS patients fulfilling the 1984 revised New York diagnostic criteria, excluding those who had the onset

of IBD before or concurrently with the AS diagnosis, for their clinical and pathological data and medication profiles.


Among 988 AS patients with 19.8% female, 4 (0.4%) had the overt IBD presentation, one female and 3 male aged 28 to 47

years (38.8+4.6), all ulcerative colitis with the characteristic histopathological findings. At the onset of colitis, all had a long-term

disease duration 10 to 25 year (17.5+6.5) and high BASDAI 7.5 to 8.8 (8.2+0.5) with the hip joint involvement. There were recurrent

flares of colitis despite the treatment with corticosteroids and messalazopyrin/salazopyrin, and no relapses of IBD were observed for

6.0+1.1 years after the ADA therapy.


In this monocentric study, we demonstrate the rarity of AS-associated IBD manifestation in Han Chinese with a

beneficent effect from the ADA therapy.


Chrong-Reen Wang is a Rheumatologist at the National Cheng Kung University Hospital. He has received his MD degree from National Taiwan University in 1987, acquired

the Lecture position at National Taiwan University Medical College in 1993. He has obtained his PhD degree from University of Tokyo (Basic Medical Sciences III) in 1999

and joined in American College of Rheumatology as a Fellow since 2008. He was promoted to the professor position at National Cheng Kung University Medical College

in 2010.

Chrong-Reen Wang et al., J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2017, 7:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-069X-C1-056