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Gastro 2016
August 11-12, 2016
Volume 6, Issue 4(Suppl)
J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016
ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal
August 11-12, 2016 Birmingham, UK
Global Gastroenterologists Meeting
Yuridia Renata Macias Angeles, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016, 6:4(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-069X.C1.035Compared efficacy of two bowel preparation for colonoscopy formulations at the Hospital General
de México
Yuridia Renata Macias Angeles
Hospital General de México, México
Colonoscopy is the “Gold Standard” for detection of polyps and precancerous lesions. An adequate cleansing is
critical for effective colonoscopy. Intestinal preparations should be effective, safe and well tolerated by the patient.
To compare the bowel cleansing efficacy, tolerability and cost of the two preparations: Polyethylene glycol 4 L vs 2 L
Polyethylene + bisacodyl.
Material & Methods:
A transverse, prolective, comparative and analytical research was conducted. Patients referred to
colonoscopy, for any indication, between 18 and 85 years of age were included. We excluded patient with a history of allergy to
the formulas used, heart failure and resection of a segment of colon. Two groups were formed by single randomization: Group
1 received 4 L of polyethylene glycol (PEG), and group 2 received 2 L PEG and bisacodyl 10 mg.
In a total of 92 patients, 74 were included. 37 (50%) were men and 50% were women. Group 1 included 39 patients
(53%) and group 2 included 35 patients (47%) the mean age was 50 years. The tolerance of the preparation was measured with
the Likert scale with a mean of 4 points in both groups. Efficacy was measured with the Boston scale with a value in group 1 of
7.36 and in group 2 of 7.43 (RR 0.063).
In our study, no significant difference in colon cleansing and tolerance between groups was observed.
Yuridia Renata Macias Angeles is serving at an esteemed positionin Hospital General de México, México. She is the recipient of numerous awards for her expert
research works in related fields. Her research interests reflect in her wide range of publications in various national and international journals.