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Volume 5, Issue 6(Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0877
Euro Infectious Diseases 2017
September 07-09, 2017
September 07-09, 2017 | Paris, France
Infectious Diseases
Euro-Global Conference on
Mediterranean spotted fever in children of the Karak Province in South Jordan
Omar Nafi
, Yasseen Tarawnah
Amjad Tarawnah
Mutah University, Jordan
Karak Health Directorate, MOH
The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological patterns of Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) as well as its
treatment and outcomes in children in south Jordan.
We conducted a retrospective observational study from June 2013 to December 2015. Data regarding demographics,
clinical presentation, laboratory findings, treatment, and outcomes were collected.
Thirty-five male and 20 female patients (mean age: 6 years ± 3.6) were included. The incidence of MSF was 7.9 cases per
100,000 inhabitants/year; MSF affected 89% of individuals in the summer, 74.5% of those living in a rural area with tent housing, and
100% of those who had contact with animals. All cases presented with fever, and 94.5% had a skin rash. Serological tests were positive
in 87.2% of cases, and
Rickettsia conorii
(the Moroccan strain) was present in all positive cases. All cases had thrombocytopenia,
but none had leukocytosis. Hyponatremia was present in 71% of cases, and 49%, 61.8%, and 72.7% had increased urea, alanine
transaminase, and aspartate aminotransferase levels, respectively. Doxycycline was administered to all patients, with a cure rate of
96.4% and mortality rate of 3.6%.
MSF caused by
R. conorii
(the Moroccan strain) is prevalent in Jordan, and contact with animals is a common route
of transmission. The patients’ responses to doxycycline were excellent. A high index of suspicion, an early diagnosis, and specific
treatment considerably decrease mortality. MSF should be considered as a possible cause of febrile disease in those with a rash and
in those living in rural areas.
Omar Nafi is a Pediatric neurologist. He is an Associated professor of Pediatrics in Mutah University- College of medicine, Pediatrics department. He has completed
his MBBS in medicine 1980 from Cordoba University, Spain, Jordanian board in Pediatric 1986, training in Pediatric Neurology in Dublin, Ireland 1997. He is the
Member of Royal Collage of Physician of Ireland.
onafi2000@yahoo.comOmar Nafi et al., J Infect Dis Ther 2017, 5:6(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-032