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Volume 7, Issue 2 (Suppl)

J Adv Chem Eng, an open access journal

ISSN: 2090-4568

Euro Chemical Engineering 2017

November 16-17, 2017


November 16-17, 2017 | Paris, France



International Conference on

Foaming in gas sweetening process: Comprehensive experimental efforts lead to better understanding

and predication of amine foaming

Emad Alhseinat



Fawzi Banat



Khalifa University, UAE


Petroleum Institute, UAE


omprehensiveexperimentalworkhasbeencarriedout to investigate the foamingbehaviorof aqueousMethyldiethanolamine

(MDEA) in presence of twenty different contaminates including degradation products i.e. N,N,N-tris-(hydroxyethyl)

ethylenediamine (THEED), hydroxyethyl ethylenediamine (HEED), N,N/-bis-(hydroxyethyl) piperazine (bHEP), N,N-

bis-(2-hydroxyethyl) glycine (bicine), organic acids, and liquid organics. This foaming study was combined with physical

characterization of the tested solution to enhance the understanding of the foaming behavior. The foaming tendency of aqueous

MDEA solution was reported in terms of foam volume. Foam stability was reported on the basis of the time required for the last

bubble to break. The results of this study showed that each contaminate has influenced the foaming behavior either by changing

the foam volume or breaking time or both. However, it has been noticed that whatever is the added contaminates to the amine

solution it drags the physical properties of the amine to a point where the foaming behavior will be changed. For example,

in case of THEED and HEED, the addition of these degradation products increased the foam tendency and stability of the

solution as a result of increasing solution viscosity; higher bulk viscosity retards the foam collapse caused by gravity drainage. It

is believed that the bottleneck of predicating the foam behavior of any solution would be the predication and monitoring of its

physical properties behavior and interaction. We are working now to develop the understating of the interaction between the

physical properties and their combined effect on the foaming behavior of the amine solution; this will lead to a breakthrough

in foaming monitoring and prediction. Mathematical models on tendency and stability of foaming are presented in this paper

to explain the effect of physical properties on foam volume and breaking time of aqueous MDEA solutions.



Effect of time of foaming on foam volume for 0.1 wt. % BHCL with 50 wt. % MDEA solution at 100 ml/min.


Dr. Alhseinat is currently an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Khalifa University. Prior to join Khalifa University, Dr. Alhseinat completed his PhD from

the University of Edinburgh. Then he worked in Abu Dhabi Petroleum Institute as Research and Teaching Associate; where he was heavily involved in research

activity, writing and preparing scientific proposals and presentations, and publishing scientific articles. His current research activities address the development of

novel separation processes compatible with renewable energy i.e. Magnetic nanoparticles, Electrical and Magnetic separation technologies, Foaming predication

and monitoring, thermodynamics modelling and thermophysical properties characterization, Desalination and Water treatment, and Fouling science.

Emad Alhseinat et al., J Adv Chem Eng 2017, 7:2(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2090-4568-C1-002