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Volume 8, Issue 2 (Suppl)

J Biosens Bioelectron, an open access journal

ISSN: 2155-6210

Euro Biosensors 2017

July 10-11, 2017

July 10-11, 2017 Berlin, Germany



Euro Biosensors

and Bioelectronics Conference





Faraday crystal application in magnetic field measurement

Slobodan J Petricevic


Pedja M Mihailovic

University of Belgrade, Serbia


araday crystals (FC) have been under intense investigation in magnetic field sensing applications for several decades due to several

desirable properties, but mostly due to low interaction with magnetic field that does not disturb the field during measurement. FC

requires an optical carrier to sense the magnetic field since interaction of the field and light in the crystal affects the state of polarization

of the light. Development of production technology for optical fibers for mass use in telecommunication industry has made design

of fiber-optic magnetic field sensor (FOMS) based on Faraday crystal an interesting research field. A class of diamagnetic materials

known as sillenites of which BiGeO is an interesting example has been used to sense magnetic field in optical sensor in various

configurations and adopted to various applications. This paper will discuss an extrinsic, fiber optic, magnetic field sensor, designed

for direct point magnetic field measurement constructed using Bi




crystal. A configuration suitable for measurement will be

presented together with analyses of the test results obtained from a calibrated magnetic field setup. Compensation of temperature

effect on magnetic field measurement will be presented and its implication will be discussed.


Slobodan J Petricevic completed his BSc in Electrical Engineering (EE) in 1996; MSc in EE in 2001 and; PhD in EE in 2007 at School of Electrical Engineering,

University of Belgrade, Serbia. His field of research is Optoelectronic and Fiber Optic Instrumentation. He has published 18 scientific papers in SCI listed journals

with 105 citations and two patents. He is currently employed as an Associate Professor at School of Electrical Engineering since 2008.

Slobodan J Petricevic et al., J Biosens Bioelectron 2017, 8:2(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2155-6210-C1-033