Page 24
Volume 09
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
ISSN: 2161-0460
Epilepsy 2019
Parkinsons Congress 2019
August 29-31, 2019
August 29-31, 2019 Vienna, Austria
International Conference on
Epilepsy & Treatment
World Congress on
Parkinsons & Huntington Disease
Refractory and super refractory status epilepticus in a tertiary hospital: A 10-year retrospective study
Liz Edenberg P. Quiles
The Medical City, Philippines
uper refractory status Epilepticus is an uncommon, but very important clinical problem that is associated with high
morbidity and mortality. Studies concerning Super refractory status epilepticus has been limited. Up to present,
there are no existing Philippine data. The study aims to determine the status of Refractory and Super refractory
status epilepticus within a 10-year period in a Tertiary Hospital. This is a retrospective study of adult patients with
prolonged seizures admitted at a Tertiary Hospital from January 2009- July 2018. Frequency, Mean and standard
deviation was used in the Descriptive analysis. Multinomial Logistic Regression was used to assess probability of
good or poor outcome. Significant Correlation is defined by P value of <0.05. The Incidence of Refractory Status
Epilepticus is as high as 38% (n=64) and 35% (n=58) for Super Refractory Status Epilepticus. Mortality rate is 39.1%
in Refractory and 62.1% in Super refractory status epilepticus. Poor functional outcome has been observed in RSE
and SRSE whein the majority was Alive Dependent. Significant factor increasing likelihood of being Alive Dependent
is the absence of Arrest. Factors associated with likelihood of being alive and independent includes Status Epilepticus
which is more benign type of prolonged seizure and younger age therefore more aggressive control of seizures in
preventing progression to SRSE will give higher likelihood of good functional outcome and elderly patients would
need closer and more adept seizure control for better functional outcome.
Liz Edenberg has completed Bachelor of Science Major in Food Technology at the age of 20 years from University of Santo Tomas and Doctor of Medicine at
the age of 24 years from Our Lady of Fatima Univeristy. She is currently a Resident undergoing training of Adult Neurology in The Medical City, Philippines.
Liz Edenberg P. Quiles, J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2019, Volume 09