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Volume 7

Biosensors Journal

ISSN: 2090-4967

Electrochemistry 2018

June 11-12, 2018

June 11-12, 2018 | Rome, Italy



International Conference on


Interaction between the morphology and the kinetics of the (de)lithiation reactions of novel SiNW

based anodes in lithium ion batteries

Ulrike Langklotz


, Andreas Krause


, Walter Weber



Alexander Michaelis

1, 3


TU Dresden, Germany


NaMLab gGmbH, Germany


Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany


arbon coated silicon nanowires (SiNW) are the nanostructure of choice for binder-free high capacity anodes. These

anodes with adjusted active mass loading and advanced morphology were grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD).

The high mass loadings (up to 6 mgSi/cm²) in combination with the lightweight carbon foil used as substrate and current

collector predestines these anodes for applications where high energy densities are required, e.g. for automotive applications.

The requirements in high power devices are especially challenging with respect to the (de)lithiation reactions. Thus, (complex)

carbon coated SiNW anodes with varying morphology and mass loading are examined regarding their performance as well as

the kinetics of the charge-discharge reactions. The specific capacity and cycle stability as well as the achievable C-rates strictly

depend on these parameters. The anodes offer capacities up to 2 mAhcm


, initial coulomb efficiencies higher than 80% and

capacity fading of less than 10% over 100 cycles. The established process with high uniformity allows detailed examinations

of the charge-discharge curves of samples with tuned properties and clearly shows an effect of the SiNW morphology on the

phase transitions in the initial cycles, which in turn can be crucial regarding the degradation behavior of the anodes. Finally,

galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) is applied to analyze the charge transfer and diffusion overpotentials of

the (de)lithiation reaction. The overpotentials are basic kinetic parameters of these reactions, and they enable the estimation

of the rate determining processes.

Recent Publications

1. Krause A, Dörfler S, Piwko M, Wisser F M, Jaumann T, Ahrens E, Giebeler L, Althues H, Schädlich S, Grothe J, Jeffery A,

Grube M, Brückner J, Martin J, Eckert J, Kaskel S, Mikolajick T andWeber WM (2016) High area capacity lithium-sulfur

full-cell battery with prelitiathed silicon nanowire-carbon anodes for long cycling stability. Scientific Reports 6:27982.

2. Jaumann T, Balach J, Langklotz U, Sauchuk V, Fritsch M, Michaelis A, Teltevskij V, Mikhailova D, Oswald S, Klose M,

Stephani G, Hauser R, Eckert J and Giebeler L (2017) Lifetime vs. rate capability: understanding the role of FEC and VC

in high energy Li-ion batteries with nano-silicon anodes. Energy Storage Materials 6:26-35.

3. Heubner C, Langklotz U and Michaelis A (2018) Theoretical optimization of electrode design parameters of Si based

anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Energy Storage 15:181-190.

4. Freitag A, Langklotz U, Rost A, Stamm M and Ionov L (2017) Ionically conductive polymer/ceramic separator for

lithium-sulfur batteries. Energy Storage Materials 9:105-111.

5. Krause A, Grube M, Mikolajick T and Weber W M (2015) Comparison of silicon nanowire growth on SiO2 and on

carbon substrates. ECS Transactions 70:69-78.


Ulrike Langklotz works in the field of Electrochemistry, mainly for applications in the field of energy storage, for ten years. The general attempt bases on the complementation

of electrochemical results with suitable non-electrochemical measuring methods, e.g. spectroscopy. Main topics are the preparation and characterization of thin dielectric

oxide films as well as the investigation of electrode materials used in lithium ion and lithium sulfur batteries. Recently, the investigation of nanostructured silicon as anode

material was one main topic.

Ulrike Langklotz et al., Biosens J 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2090-4967-C1-002