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Volume 9

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

ISSN: 2155-9600

Clinical Nutrition 2019

March 04-06, 2019

March 04-06, 2019 | Barcelona, Spain



International Conference on

Clinical Nutrition

A longitudinal study on nutritional assessment and care of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis

(CAPD) patients

Merina E Alex, Preethi, Vijayashree, Georgi Abraham and Milly Mathew

Institute of Kidney Diseases, Urology & Organ Transplantation - Madras Medical Mission, India


: Malnutrition inevitably accompanies Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and dialysis. This in turn

would be associated to higher mortality rate in dialysis patients. In case of PD it has been estimated to be 18–50%.

Early nutritional assessment and treatment in PD patients leads to overall better outcome, better quality of life and

increased longevity.


: The objective of the study is to assess the nutritional status of the CAPD patients, initiate nutrition

therapy and reassess the nutritional status at three months interval to find out the impact of medical nutrition



: Forty CAPD patients were assessed for their nutritional status at the initiation of therapy. Nutritional

assessment was done using anthropometric assessment including body composition analysis, bio chemical

observations such as serum albumin, hemoglobin, serum iron, total iron binding capacity, diet history and

Malnutrition Inflammation Score (MIS). Based and the nutritional status patients were prescribed and educated on

nutritional needs as per the national kidney foundation’s requirements. Nutritional assessment was repeated after

three months of period and the changed were studied.

Results & Discussions

: During the initial assessment the malnutrition inflammation score revealed 32% of the

CAPD population were well nourished, 54% mild to moderately and 13% severely malnourished. After 3 months

of nutrition therapy the MIS showed 34% were well nourished 60% were mild to moderately malnourished and 6%

were severely malnourished. This is evident by the increase in the average protein mass (15.27 to 22.8 kg), skeletal

muscle mass (21.6 to 22.8 kg), body cell mass (26 to 26.8), mid arm muscle circumference (21.9 to 24). There was no

increase in serum albumin levels with the average of 3.2 g/dl.


: Early identification and treatment of malnutrition may improve nutritional status and patient outcome

in CAPD.

J Nutr Food Sci 2019, Volume 9

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9600-C2-093