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Volume 9

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

ISSN: 2155-9600

Clinical Nutrition 2019

March 04-06, 2019

March 04-06, 2019 | Barcelona, Spain



International Conference on

Clinical Nutrition

Defying secular trend

May Fouad Nassar

Ain Shams University, Egypt


he secular variation of biological anthropology tend to assess the degree of socio-economic development that is

why nations try hard to achieve better secular trends of growth. Taller height has been often described as a sign

of social status and privilege, therefore it became a personal as well as a society wish. Generally, in the last decades,

stature tends to stabilize; however, weight continues to grow causing overweight to take pandemic forms. Nutrition

and genetics are the main determinants of height trends and since maximum genetic potential can be restrained;

nutrition takes the lead. Growth acceleration, during pursuit of positive height trend, correlates with long-term

health problems in humans. most studies show a positive association between rapid growth (height, weight or both)

and increased overweight and obesity, regardless of age. Therefore, the ultimate goal is to defy the secular trend and

achieve a better height potential without the health burdens of excess weight. Protein quality rather than quantity

is what truly makes a difference in height. Although nutrition in most countries can be raised by rational dietary

guidelines, the deterioration of the protein index, even in the wealthiest nations is alarming. Thus the myth is giving

up on height and believing in the exhaustion of the genetic potential theory. The truth, on the other hand, is that

there is still hope lying in our right choice of protein. Current threats to protein quality can explain the observed

negative height trends. These threats can result from a combination of the inadequate “fast-food” nutrition and some

misleading dietary guidelines. In conclusion, adherence to the classic food pyramid for the required protein quantity

and paying attention to the protein index would pave the way for dream realization regarding positive height trends.

J Nutr Food Sci 2019, Volume 9

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9600-C2-093