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Volume 2, Issue 3 (Suppl)

Breast Can Curr Res, an open access journal

ISSN: 2572-4118

Breast Cancer 2017

June 15-17, 2017

June 15-17, 2017 London, UK



World Congress on

Breast Cancer

Exclusive self-destruction of triple negative breast cancer cells


Tel-Aviv University, Israel


newly - discovered mechanism involves the modification of specific proteins that affect the construction and stability

of the spindle structure during mitosis. Their exclusive modification in human cancer cells prevented chromosomes

segregation into daughter cells. Modifications of kinesins and NuMA, preventing their normal activity in the spindle of human

cancer cells disrupted chromosomes alignment in the spindle mid-zone. This induces a rapid cell self-destruction while mitosis

is prevented. Thus, the faster the cancer cells proliferate, the more quickly they die. Research was conducted using both cancer

cell cultures and mice transplanted with human cancer cells. Mice transplanted with triple negative breast cancer cells revealed

the arrest of tumor growth by agents causing their exclusive cell-death during mitosis, without affecting normal proliferating



Cohen-Armon working in an Academic position at the Tel-Aviv University Life Science, Neurobiochemistry and Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Physiology and

Pharmacology and the Sagol School of Neuroscience . In 2001, she was appointed as visiting researcher in Columbia University, New York. She conferred with

Human Frontiers award. She has published more than 30 papers in well reputed and high impact factor journals since 2000. Her research was supported by

Novartis and the active molecule is prepared for use against triple negative breast cancers. She is an academic editor for several journals. Her interest lies in Signal

transduction and Epigenetic mechanisms, protein modifications, drug discovery.

Cohen-Armon, Breast Can Curr Res 2017, 2:3(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2572-4118-C1-005