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Volume 2, Issue 3 (Suppl)

Breast Can Curr Res, an open access journal

ISSN: 2572-4118

Breast Cancer 2017

June 15-17, 2017

June 15-17, 2017 London, UK



World Congress on

Breast Cancer

Adverse effects of non-hormonal pharmacological interventions in breast cancer survivors,

suffering from hot flashes: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Jill Brook Hervik

Vestfold Hospital Trust, Norway


To access frequency and severity of adverse effects (AE) of non-hormonal drugs (NHD) for hot flashes in breast

cancer survivors compared to controls and analyze adverse effect risk by reviewing published randomized trials.


Five data bases were searched, trials were included where participants were breast cancer survivors suffering from

hot flashes, treatment was self-administered venlafaxine, gabapentin or clonidine, and AE’s were reported. AE frequency and

severity was graded and a meta-analysis with sub-group analyses was conducted.


12/49 studies were included, 1467 participants experienced 772 adverse effects, 81% from treatment groups and

19% from control groups. 67% of AE’s was graded as mild and 33% as moderate. The frequency of AE for NHD was overall

significant versus placebo. AE frequency and severity increased at higher doses for venlafaxine and gabapentin compared to



The odds for experiencing AE was significantly higher in patients randomized to high dose NHD than those

randomized to controls, including placebo, low dose medication and acupuncture. These therapies should be considered as a

potential treatment alternative.


Jill Brook Hervik is currently working as a Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist and Researcher in hospital pain clinic (Vestfold Hospital Trust, Norway). Her areas of

interest include integrative medicine, the importance of detailed clinical examination, multidisciplinary approach to pain syndromes and long term side effects of

breast cancer treatments. She has published eight different articles in reputable medical journals.

Jill Brook Hervik, Breast Can Curr Res 2017, 2:3(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2572-4118-C1-005