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Volume 5, Issue 3(Suppl)

Biochem Anal Biochem 2016

ISSN: 2161-1009, Biochem an open access journal

Page 59

Biochemistry 2016

October 10-12, 2016




October 10-12, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

International Conference on

Sialic acid profile and sialidase activity in HIV infected individuals

Hadiza Abdullahi

Northwest University Kano, Nigeria


ialic Acids and sialidases have been implicated in many disease states particularly bacterial and viral infections which are common

opportunist infections of HIV disease. A study was carried out to determine sialic acid profile and sialidase activity in HIV infected

and apparently healthy individuals. Blood samples were collected from 200 subjects (150 HIV infected individuals and 50 apparently

healthy individuals, divided into four groups: HIV ART naive, HIV stable (on ART but have been stable with no clinical episodes),

HIV-OI (on ART with opportunistic infections), and apparently healthy). Complete blood count, erythrocyte surface sialic acid

(ESSA), free serum sialic acid (FSSA) concentrations and sialidase activity were determined for all 200 subjects. Analysis of variance

was used to compare the results of the different groups of HIV infected individuals as well as controls. Anemia and neutropenia were

the most common hematological abnormalities observed in this study with highest prevalence of anemia found in the ART naive

group. There was significant difference (p≤0.05) between groups in FSSA level. The highest levels of FSSA were observed in the HIV

ART naive (0.65±0.5 mg/ml). The mean ESSA value for the study population was 0.54±0.35 mg/ml with no significant difference

(p≤0.05) between groups. No significant difference (p≤0.05) was found between groups and also in gender and age. The findings in

this study of higher mean sialidase activity and FSSA levels in the ART naive HIV group compared with other groups indicate that

the virus and other opportunistic pathogens may be sialidase producers in vivo which cleave off sialic acids from erythrocytes surface,

leading to high levels of FSSA, anemia and neutropenia seen in this group. The higher ESSA concentration found in the HIV stable

group along with lowest FSSA concentration in the group suggests the presence of sialyltransferases.

To study allelic variants of


gene in ischemic stroke patients with high LDL/HDL ratios

Sushree S Rautaray

Army College of Medical Sciences, India


troke continues to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Oxidative stress is a characteristic of ischemic

stroke. Elevated LDL/HDL ratio is an important factor for predicting arteriosclerosis. Paraoxonase 1(


) protects LDL from

oxidative modifications and has a protective effect against arteriosclerosis. Two common polymorphisms,




, in


gene can affect PON1 levels and function. The aim of this study was to evaluate




polymorphisms in ischemic stroke

patients with high LDL/HDL ratios and to investigate ox-LDL levels as a marker of oxidative stress. The study included 100 patients of

ischemic stroke admitted in ICU of Base Hospital, Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi and 100 controls. Patients were in the age

group of 55-85 years.

PON1 Q192R



were determined by PCR-RFLP method, ox-LDL by ELISA kit method.


was associated with high LDL/HDL ratios in ischemic stroke patients. So, the L55M polymorphism can contribute in decreasing the

antioxidant function and decreasing HDL particles. Plasma levels of ox-LDL were increased in stroke patients (P<0.001) compared to

controls. In conclusion, it is important to explore the effects of


genetic polymorphisms and the inflammatory response

associated with stroke. We hypothesized that elevated ox-LDL levels and lower


activity may contribute for the development of

oxidative stress. The present study was carried out to emphasize the importance of these markers for early diagnosis and therapeutic

interventions in ischemic stroke patients.

Biochem Anal Biochem 2016, 5:3(Suppl)