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Volume 07
Advances in Crop Science and Technology
ISSN: 2329-8863
Agri 2019
August 15-16, 2019
August 15-16, 2019 | Rome, Italy
International Conference on
Agriculture & Horticulture
Juvenility in micropropagated plantlets versus rooted cuttings of maqui (
Aristotelia chilensis
Hermine Vogel, Benita González, Valeria Muñoz, Mariana Moya
Ursula Doll
Universidad de Talca, Chile
he antioxidant “superfruit” maqui (
Aristotelia chilensis
) is coming from a woody plant native to Chile and
West-Patagonian areas of Argentina. It is a sacred medicinal plant of the indigenous Mapuche people. Up to
now the rising international demand for maqui-berries is coming from wild collection. To provide in the future
high quality and sustainable raw material for processing industry our research group has selected high-yielding
genotypes that are propagated vegetatively, exploring also micropropagation techniques. As in some other woody
plants micropropagation promotes juvenility expressed by a delay in fruit production. The objective of the present
study was to compare young plantlets of the same age coming from in vitro propagation and rooted cuttings. In half
of the plants the apical sprout was removed. Six clones were established in April 2017 (autumn) in field trials in an
experimental design with four treatments and five replicates. During the following spring (December 2017) one of
the genotypes ('Luna Nueva') produced fruit in all treatments, in three others ('Perla Negra', '304', and '319') only
the rooted cuttings bloomed, and two of the genotypes ('218' and '622') produced flowers just in the following year
(October 2018), when all studied genotyps and all plants had overpassed juvenility.
Recent Publications
1. Vogel H, González B, Catenacci G, Doll U (2016) Domestication and sustainable production of wild crafted
plants with special reference to the Chilean Maqui Berry (
Aristotelia chilensis
). Julius-Kühn-Archiv 453:50-52.
2. Doll U, Mosqueira D, Mosqueira J, González B, Vogel H (2016) Pruning maqui (
Aristotelia chilensis
) to optimize
fruit production. JARMAP 6:10-14.
3. Salgado P, Prinz K, Finkeldey R, Ramírez C, Vogel H (2017) Genetic variability of
Aristotelia chilensis
based on AFLP and chloroplast microsatellite markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 64:2083–2091.
4. Brauch JE, Reuter L, Conrad J, Vogel H, Schweiggert RM, Carle R (2017) Characterization of diglycosylated
anthocyanins in two Chilean maqui berry clones by HPLC–DAD–ESI/MSn and 2D–NMR-spectroscopy. J Food
Composition and Analysis 58:16-22.
5. Moya M, González B, Doll U, Yuri JA, Vogel H (2019) Different covers affect growth and development of three
maqui clones (
Aristotelia chilensis
[Molina] Stuntz). Journal of Berry Research DOI: 10.3233/JBR-180377.
Hermine Vogel et al., Adv Crop Sci Tech 2019, Volume 07