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Volume 07
Advances in Crop Science and Technology
ISSN: 2329-8863
Agri 2019
August 15-16, 2019
August 15-16, 2019 | Rome, Italy
International Conference on
Agriculture & Horticulture
Recent Publications
1. Kapazoglou A, Ganopoulos I, Tani E, Tsaftaris AS (2018) Epigenetics, Epigenomics, and Crop Improvement.
Advances in Botanical Research 86:287-324.
2. Merkouropoulos G, Michailidou S, Alifragkis A, Argiriou A, Zioziou E, Koundouras S, Nikolaou N (2015) A
combined approach involving ampelographic description, berry oenological traits and molecular analysis to
study native grapevine varieties of Greece. Vitis 54:99–103
3. Taskos, D., Stamatiadis, S., Yvin, J. C., & Jamois, F. (2019). Effects of an Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. extract
on grapevine yield and berry composition of a Merlot vineyard. Scientia Horticulturae, 250:27-32.
4. Pitsoli T, Kapazoglou A, Doulis AG (2019) Morphological characterization and phenotypic variability of
autochthonous Greek grapevine varieties. 21St GiESCO International Meeting (Group of international Experts
for Cooperation on Vitivinicultural Systems) June 23-28, 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
5. Rusjn D, Pipan B, Pellengic R, Meglic V (2012) Genotypic and phenotypic discrimination of grapevine (Vitis
vinifera L.) varieties of the 'Vitovska' and 'Garganja' Denominations. European Journal of Horticultural Science,
6. El Oualkadi A, Ater M, Messaoudi, Z, El Heit K, Laucou V, Boursiquot, J. M. ..&This, P. (2011) Genetic diversity
of Moroccan grape accessions conserved ex situ compared to Maghreb and European gene pools. Tree genetics
& genomes, 7:1287-1298.
7. Hmimsa Y and Ater M. (2008). Agrodiversity in the traditional agrosystems of the Rif mountains (north of
Morocco) Biodiversity 9:78–81.
Aliki Kapazoglou is a Researcher at the Hellenic Agricultural Organization-Demeter, Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Crops and Viticulture, Department of
Vitis, Lykovryssi, Athens, Greece. She received a PhD degree in Biochemistry from the Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Department of the University of Georgia,
Athens Georgia, USA. She held Post-Doctoral and Research Fellow posts on plant molecular biology at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge UK, at the
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK, the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, University College London, UK, and at the
Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB), Centre of Research and Technology (CERTH), in Thessaloniki, Greece. Her research interests include genetic and
epigenetic mechanisms governing plant development and abiotic and biotic stress responses, preservation of local genetic resources, molecular traceability
of plants species and their products. She has publications in international scientific journals (SCI) and book chapters (i-index 13, >600 citations), a multitude of
conference presentations and is a reviewer in scientific journals.