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Volume 7
Innovative Energy & Research
ISSN: 2576-1463
Advanced Energy Materials 2018
August 13-14, 2018
August 13-14, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland
International Conference on
Advanced Energy Materials and Research
Porous materials in heat storage and reallocation applications
Natasa Zabukovec Logar
University of Nova Gorica - National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia
hermal energy storage is recognized as one of the crucial technologies for enabling more efficient use of fossil fuels and
renewable energies by providing the supply-demand balance. Thermochemical heat storage (TCS), which utilise the
reversible chemical and physical sorption of gases, mostly water vapour, in solids, is currently considered as the only storage
concept with a potential for long-term, also seasonal, heat storage of high enough storage density to be also economically
attractive. Under the influence of a heat supply in TCS, water is desorbed from the material, which is then stored separately (an
endothermic phenomenon referred to as the charging or activation of material). When water vapour and sorbent are put into
contact, there is a heat release (an exothermic phenomenon referred to as a material’s discharge or deactivation). The TCS has
a potential to enable an extensive use of a solar thermal energy and residual heat from industry, thus leading to a low carbon
energy society. Over the last decade, a lot of attention has been devoted to the development of porous adsorbents, like zeolites,
microporous alumino phosphates and metal-organic framework materials for water-adsorption-based thermal energy storage
and heat transformations. A good sorption-based energy-storage material should fulfil the following requirements: (i) it should
exhibit high water uptake at low relative humidity, (ii) it should be easily regenerated at low temperature, and (iii) it should be
highly hydrothermally stable and should enable good cycling (adsorption/desorption) performance. Recently, we have focused
on the studies of microporous alumino phosphates, which show remarkable water uptake characteristics, considering the water
sorption capacity, as well as superior water uptake regime and thermal stability. The studies of structure-property relationship
included diffraction, spectroscopic, calorimetric and computational approaches and enabled the materials optimization. One
of the alumino phosphates, AlPO
-LTA, outperforms a0ll other porous materials tested so far. It exhibits superior energy-
storage capacity (495 kWh m
) and shows remarkable cycling stability; after 40 cycles of adsorption/desorption its capacity
drops by less than 1 wt%. Desorption temperature for this material, is lower from desorption temperatures of other tested
materials by 10-15°C. This, for example, implies that regeneration of the material in a solar-energy-storage system should be
easily achieved using most common types of solar collectors, e.g. flat plate collectors, even in regions without extended periods
of intense solar irradiation.
Recent Publications
1. A Krajnc et al. (2017) Superior performance of microporous alumino phosphate with LTA topology in solar-energy
storage and heat reallocation. Advanced Energy Materials 7(11):1601815.
2. Mazaj et al. (2017) Confined crystallization of HKUST-1 metal-organic framework within mesostructured silica with
enhanced structural resistance towards water. Journals of Materials Chemistry A 5:22305-22315.
3. Mazaj et al. (2017) A facile strategy towards highly accessible and hydrostable MOF-phase within the hybrid poly HIPEs
Natasa Zabukovec Logar, Innov Ener Res 2018, Volume 7
DOI: 10.4172/2576-1463-C1-002