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Volume 7

Innovative Energy & Research

ISSN: 2576-1463

Advanced Energy Materials 2018

August 13-14, 2018

August 13-14, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland



International Conference on

Advanced Energy Materials and Research

4. Molenda, M., Stengler, J., Linder, M., Wörner, A. (2013) Reversible hydration behavior of CaCl


at high H


O partial

pressures for thermochemical energy storage. Thermochimica Acta 260:76-81

5. Richter, M., Habermann, E.-M., Siebecke, E., Linder, M. (2018) A systematic screening of salt hydrates as materials for a

thermochemical heat transformer. Thermochimica Acta 659:136-150

6. Schaube, F., Kohzer, A., Schütz, J, Wörner, A., Müller-Steinhagen, H. (2013) De- and rehydration of Ca(OH)


in a reactor

with direct heat transfer for thermos-chemical heat storage. Part A: Experimental results. Chemical Engineering Research

and Design 91:856-864.


Marie Gollsch has a degree in environmental engineering and has been at the German Aerospace Center since 2012. She is part of the research area “Thermochemical

Systems” at the department of Thermal Process Technology within the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics. She specialises in the investigation and evaluation of

thermophysical properties of thermochemical storage materials with focus on gas-solid reaction systems with water vapour as gaseous component. Additionally, she has

expertise in the study of structural changes of the solid components of gas-solid reaction systems which occur due to the cycling of the storage material.